UK must redouble its efforts .......

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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
How do you redouble your efforts to defeat terrorism, how do you stop a person driving a truck into any group of people?

Theresa May says the UK must redouble its efforts to defeat terrorism, as she condemned the "brutal murderers" behind "horrifying" attacks like that in Nice.
The prime minister said Britain stood "shoulder to shoulder" with France after a lorry drove into a crowd killing 84 and injuring 202.
Downing Street says a "small number" of Britons were injured in Nice.
Meanwhile, UK police are asking for any Britons in France with footage of the incident to come forward.
And police forces across the UK have been asked to review security arrangements at major events over the next week.
When you have single handed people like this guy or small random terror cells its virtually impossible to put in place any form of overwatch/legislation/security protocols to catch them, law enforcement/prevention against terrorists only works in the long term where there is sufficient time to put in place the tools to gather intel and research where it then has time to be analysed correctly and acted upon. With the sheer volume of refugee movement across Europe (who are undetectable once they are in) not a single police force in the EU will have a clue who is genuine and who is not, are they going to red flag the whole lot or just wait in hope that any bad guys register on there radar?

The one thing that annoys me more than any other regarding politicians statements when something like this occurs is that time and again they get up and spout this, that and the other about catching these types of pricks yet all it does is act as a red flag to a bull, inflame situations even more and feed the terrorist networks with publicity and eager recruits.
"shoulder to shoulder" "defeat terrorism" "review security arrangements" just words nothing will change, you cannot beat terrorists, do they honestly believe we believe this nonsense?
good post chewie.
how can the laws of each county police this sort of murdering. it impossible. that merkel has opened the floodgates to let these people in and this terror group will most certainly be among them. now that was one big cluster fxck!
sad for them people yesterday.
Sadly these kind of events are used to demand more surveillance and the demolishing of civil rights like privacy. If I read the comment from Theresa May one word comes to mind: polemic.

Sadly these kind of people will adapt and find ways to fly under the radar of the police. They did it in the past, they do it now and they will find ways to do it in future.

If I read the news and heard the guy who did it was known by the police, I realised there is a pattern: Muslim, male, unemployed, criminal hitory with no hope of a good live. The problem is, France is full of this people. It's a problem of the french society. Anyone who ever visited the satellite cities in the outskirts of Paris knows what I'm talking about.

I doubt that more policing can solve this problem. The solution might better come from within the society. But as long as the root causes for these problems are ignored and denied no change will happen.

My feelings are with the families and friends. It's a terrible loss and we should not allow politicians to use this sad event to create fear so they can do what they want. Fear is a bad advisor.
Unfortunately once you decide to tackle this kind of problem you need to start suspension of certain 'human rights ' with regard to those who cause a radar blip with the security services. .. and that's an issue when you have idiots who think the rights of an individual supercede the rights of society, and that those who are suspect are ' being harassed " when the security services want to watch them
Unfortunately once you decide to tackle this kind of problem you need to start suspension of certain 'human rights ' with regard to those who cause a radar blip with the security services. .. and that's an issue when you have idiots who think the rights of an individual supercede the rights of society, and that those who are suspect are ' being harassed " when the security services want to watch them

Sorry, but 'human rights' are human rights. If a certain human right can be suspended it is not a human right. Human rights don't protect criminals or terrorist from prosecution but everyone from despotism.

I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.
Maybe they should try to ban automatic vehicles with high capacity fuel tanks?

In order to remove the problem you would have to remove the reason why these things are done. But if the reason is because the two faiths are incompatible, then you either have to change the faith to be more tolerant (unlikely) or prevent it from being practised in your country. I don't see another option.

If the problem is extremism, then there needs to be people monitoring for this and steps taken to prevent it getting too far. I don't think you can allow a group who follows a different culture to take over an area in your country and then wage a war on your doorstep without some kind of retaliation.

At the moment I feel sorry for the vast majority of Muslims who disagree with these radical events, but will ultimately be treated the same way if it continues.

In January this year - 26 Mosques were attacked in France in retaliation to the 12 Charlie Hebdo shootings. I would imagine someone would be having some very strong words regarding this one.
Sorry, but 'human rights' are human rights. If a certain human right can be suspended it is not a human right. Human rights don't protect criminals or terrorist from prosecution but everyone from despotism.

I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.

If we give into terror and trade the fundamental principles of our society like freedom, liberty and privacy for temporary security, then the people who commit these atrocious acts have won.

What we are witnessing is through fear, the slow erosion of our open and free society as we move closer and closer towards the all seeing police state.
Personally, I think it is time that as a society we demand that the people in whose name these acts are being committed:

A. Condemn the acts, the people who commit the acts and the people who incite the perpetrators.

B. Actively seek out and report people who commit or plan to commit these acts and/or incite others.

The government of Bangladesh prepared a sermon which invokes Koranic verses and traditions of the prophet Mohammed to rail against murderous extremism.

"Whoever kills a person unjustly, it is as though he has killed all mankind,"
it said, citing a verse of the Koran.​

It also quoted the prophet as saying the killing of a human being is the biggest sin and urged parents to take good care of their children so they cannot be "brainwashed".

The sermon was handed out to all the Imams within Bangladesh and you can bet your last penny that they monitored the mosques to ensure that it was delivered.

You can read the full report here ...

Actions like this beat the **** out of the platitudes that our own politicians make so why don't we see ...

The Koran states:
"Whoever kills a person unjustly, it is as though he has killed all mankind,"

... plastered on billboards all over the UK?
I fail to understand how a religion that preaches nothing but tolerance and peace has been corrupted in such a way by these vile human beings. Unfortunatley the only way to put a dent in the issue at the grass roots level means becoming worse than them for a long period of time.

Its a lose lose situation without Islam curing the issue itself.
@Dutto, if they think they are justified in killing it would make no difference what you plastered all over the UK.
@Dutto, if they think they are justified in killing it would make no difference what you plastered all over the UK.

I beg to differ.

Pressure from parents, family, friends and peers is what changes hearts and minds not someone battering you with the butt of a gun!

However, the reverse isn't true and if history teaches us anything it's that we never seem to learn from history.
Sorry, but 'human rights' are human rights. If a certain human right can be suspended it is not a human right. Human rights don't protect criminals or terrorist from prosecution but everyone from despotism.

I'd rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.

Human rights are whatever we decided they are, nothing more, nothing less... We managed without such laws perfectly well just a few years ago. They may not be intended to protect terrorists but that's how they are used... We can't extradite Mr x to there because despite his involvement in several bombings the government may use torture or have the death penalty. ...
I fail to understand how a religion that preaches nothing but tolerance and peace has been corrupted in such a way by these vile human beings. Unfortunatley the only way to put a dent in the issue at the grass roots level means becoming worse than them for a long period of time.

Its a lose lose situation without Islam curing the issue itself.

because it also teaches death to unbelievers, amongst other things
The word Islam actually means 'submission' not peace as you will be told.

Like all religions, there are brutal murder bits, rape, torture and big battles etc, it's just how someone perceives these text in the modern world.

My opnion all relgion is private to each person. Having this view that another is wrong because they don't believe or like what you like is stupid. We're all different.

To answer the question for the thread, I think we should have more legally owned guns, including handguns and concealed carry like Murica!

Cause I know, I'd have unloaded into the windscreen and at least attempted to stop the guy, lawfully.

Some guy on France24 was saying they should have rocket launchers at every big road junction. Now that would be silly!
To answer the question for the thread, I think we should have more legally owned guns, including handguns and concealed carry like Murica!
Cause I know, I'd have unloaded into the windscreen and at least attempted to stop the guy, lawfully.

Terrorist attacks will continue whatever the rest of the world do you cannot stop them, if we allowed the general public to carry guns it would not be the terrorists we would be worrying about.
To answer the question for the thread, I think we should have more legally owned guns, including handguns and concealed carry like Murica!

Cause I know, I'd have unloaded into the windscreen and at least attempted to stop the guy, lawfully.

Is that you, Charlton?
The word Islam actually means 'submission' not peace as you will be told.

Like all religions, there are brutal murder bits, rape, torture and big battles etc, it's just how someone perceives these text in the modern world.

My opnion all relgion is private to each person. Having this view that another is wrong because they don't believe or like what you like is stupid. We're all different.

To answer the question for the thread, I think we should have more legally owned guns, including handguns and concealed carry like Murica!

Cause I know, I'd have unloaded into the windscreen and at least attempted to stop the guy, lawfully.

Some guy on France24 was saying they should have rocket launchers at every big road junction. Now that would be silly!

When they take away your right to be armed they take away your right to defend yourself and that's exactly what they want. Scared people reliant on the Gov to protect them.

Does anyone know if they have released a photo of the guy dead in the truck yet?

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