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  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Masons Shakespear Beer Engine.
    And ... (did you overlook finishing the sentence?). I have in mind "weighting" the beer in the bag, but only to keep some CO2 condition...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Re-using Puro Oxi?.
    Ah ... but don't think I'm ranting because people here are mixing different products. I'm ranting because there's so much contradictory...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Re-using Puro Oxi?.
    There's a bit of confusion going on here. The topic started with a brand of "Oxy bleach", a propriety formular that'll certainly...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Masons Shakespear Beer Engine.
    Sorry, I am a bit tied up with things today. But I am committed to sorting your "issue" out. It's fairly new for me not to bury my head...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Masons Shakespear Beer Engine.
    The only reason I use "Seaflo" is they claim their diaphragms are "food-grade". I presume when you pull the pump-handle it closes a...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Masons Shakespear Beer Engine.
    The handle won't "pull". It's cylinder-less. But squeezing on the bag should do something? These are the ones I use (for transfers...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Masons Shakespear Beer Engine.
    I can't find a "Flojet H65". I think "Flojet" and imagine diaphragm pumps (which will happily suck a bag dry without any pressure), but...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Masons Shakespear Beer Engine.
    Thank you! Where upon ... I appear! "Cylinder-less hand-pumps". Well, I would have groaned ... but I'm not going to! This "pump" of...