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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
£46 million wasted which could have been £200 million plus, how do these people get away with wasting tax payers money on these harebrained schemes?

A £200m plan to build a bridge covered with trees across the River Thames in central London has officially been abandoned.

The Garden Bridge Trust has announced that it is winding up the project due to a lack of support from the mayor.
In April, Sadiq Khan said he would not provide the financial guarantee needed for planning permission.
A review of the project said £37.4m had been spent and it would cost taxpayers £46.4m if it was cancelled.
Since the mayor's decision, the trust has been looking at other funding options, including speaking to the government. It said that all potential benefactors and trustees decided the project could not happen without the support of the mayor.

'Sad day'

In a letter to Mr Khan, the trust's chairman Lord Davies said: "We are incredibly sad that we have not been able to make the dream of the Garden Bridge a reality and that the mayor does not feel able to continue with the support he initially gave us."
He said the trust had raised £70m of private money towards the project and had satisfied most of the planning permission conditions.
"The Garden Bridge would have been a unique place; a beautiful new green space in the heart of London, free to use and open to all, showcasing the best of British talent and innovation," Lord Davies said.
"It is all the more disappointing because the trust was set up at the request of TfL (Transport for London), the organisation headed up by the mayor, to deliver the project. It is a sad day for London because it is sending out a message to the world that we can no longer deliver such exciting projects."
Commenting on the decision to drop the project, Mr Khan said it was his "duty to ensure taxpayers' money was spent responsibly".
"I have been clear since before I became mayor that no more London taxpayers' money should be spent on this project and when I took office I gave the Garden Bridge Trust time to try and address the multiple serious issues with it.
"Londoners will, like me, be very angry that London taxpayers have now lost tens of millions of pounds - committed by the previous mayor on a project that has amounted to nothing."
Bet someone has made a living out of basically doing nothing....
Sounds a bit like the scheme around here a few years ago to turn a former colliery slagheap into a dry ski slope....I believe they had funding but it never happened. ...
Thank god. What a total waste of money,do we need another bridge
I wouldn't have minded if the bridge was desperately needed but why spend tens of thousands making it tree covered.


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