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Jul 11, 2013
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Hello all,
I've battled to get this page up and running, so please bear with me.
I still struggle to communicate properly and for all I know what I want to say, the worded etc come hard for me.
10 month to learn writing spelling and talking again is getting better..

Wine will be simple kits...and I've had help to research it all...thanks all!!
Off I go to Aldi & Wilki's to get my goodies!!
Later all
Hi Brian,

We hadn't crossed paths before but I saw chippy_tea's thread from March, good luck with your recovery mate !
Thank so much for your kind words...I remember in March I battle to say a few words took an hour to formulate the sentence lol
I'm thinking worlzel wine from chippy tea mentioned!!!
Keep you posted coz I'm off the gym for work out!!! Well....just treAd mill & few exercises lol don't want to kill me
If you are going to do the supermarket juice wine go for a litre of red grape juice and a litre of apple juice, white grape juice is hard to find and the original white grape juice and orange juice is a bit of an acquired taste.
If you are going to do the supermarket juice wine go for a litre of red grape juice and a litre of apple juice, white grape juice is hard to find and the original white grape juice and orange juice is a bit of an acquired taste.

Now I wish I done what u suggested!!! But don't matter, I'll try one day...soon
I hope the picture does it right! I'm just remembering how to do it...
one question that it doesn't say, about racking etc..
first a pic of ive gathered...

is the ingredient about right? i'd love to have slighty sweet...any help will be appreciated.

one thing ive missed out! sterilization solution....and sugar....:doh:
ohhhhh! well I'll get some tomorrow, give me a chance to go and find some grapes and apple juice...:thumb:
i'll not do anything without sterilizing..
A word of warning DO NOT top up to 4.5 litres on day 3 or you will be mopping wine up, many members have had their Wilko wine leave the DJ through the airlock after topping up on day 3, leave it until bubbling in the airlock dies down a lot (day 5) then only top up to the top of the shoulder as you need a bit of space for degassing later, you can top up to the neck once its degassed and you have added the stabiliser and finings.

Sterilising - if you use milton tablets or liquid it only needs 15 minutes contact time and is no rinse so saves a lot of messing about.

Those handy airlocks (in your picture) are brilliant much quieter and not as tall as the original bubble type, i can now put my DJ's on the worktop under the kitchen cupboards which i couldn't with the old type airlocks.

If you haven't used these airlocks before only put enough water in to cover the bottom of the inner sleeve to save it blowing out, some members didn't realise you can snap the inner tube down on top of the outer instead of leaving it loose, it doesn't matter if it is loose but it feels better closing it securely, there are holes in the edge at the top that allow the CO2 out.


Hello chippy tea,
Wolk up about 5am thinking about brewing!! Great to feel normal again!! Lol
Yeah m8 I'm not wanting to mop up so I'll fill it like is says...
Wilki's should have Milton or something else...going to be expensive today! A few more DJ's and the sugar..but it's bus fares!! From wiki's to aldi to find the grate and apple..
Catch ya later pal
hello all,
well I manage solo handed!!! (bad pun!)
one thing the electric can opener is broken, so one handed took about half an hour lol.
all items sterilize and it was pretty easy.
the SG is 1075.

I left room in the DJ, I think is enough!

going to give it good stir when our lass come in from work, don't want to drop it!
think I will dissolve sugar next that a problem?
I did the very same thing with the sugar, Manxnorton - threw it all in without dissolving it. Mine worked ok - I kept giving it a swirl around - don't know if that was the right thing to do! But I most certainly dissolve the sugar now. How the hell did you manage to do all that one-handed then? Fair play!! Now for the waiting game ...:-D
I did the very same thing with the sugar, Manxnorton - threw it all in without dissolving it. Mine worked ok - I kept giving it a swirl around - don't know if that was the right thing to do! But I most certainly dissolve the sugar now. How the hell did you manage to do all that one-handed then? Fair play!! Now for the waiting game ...:-D

Quite hard, but not as it going to shopping to get the DJ etc...seemed like everybody made a b line to bump into me!!
I'm getting stonger in left arm and a few fingers work...
I'm going just leave the sugar as it is...
Like you said it a waiting game now!!
Just panick thinking I've done a error somewhere down the line...but my memory is coming back to me.
Had to really concentrate coz I forgot how read a 20 mins and got it!
Thinking grape n apple juice next like chippy_tea all the stuff for it a part from the sugar...
Looking good and yes that's about the right level for now.

I used to dissolve my sugar in how water on the stove then let it cool to around 40c before adding to the cold juice in the DJ, this helps get the temperature up so you don't have to add much hot water to get to pitching temperature.

If you are planning on making wine regularly you may want to invest in a wine degassing wand as shaking a DJ to get the CO2 out is not much fun and you risk dropping it, it also takes ages, i also use mine to mix the sugar, juice and chemicals together meaning you don't have to heat the water up and no sticky pans to clean.

Wine degasser here -

Looking good and yes that's about the right level for now.

I used to dissolve my sugar in how water on the stove then let it cool to around 40c before adding to the cold juice in the DJ, this helps get the temperature up so you don't have to add much hot water to get to pitching temperature.

If you are planning on making wine regularly you may want to invest in a wine degassing wand as shaking a DJ to get the CO2 out is not much fun and you risk dropping it, it also takes ages, i also use mine to mix the sugar, juice and chemicals together meaning you don't have to heat the water up and no sticky pans to clean.

Wine degasser here -


SPOOKY!!! I've just ordered a wine whip after looking Utube...then I put your remark on...
Great idea with the sugar and the other stuff giving a good whip!
So all I can do is sit a wait for my next part...think it's wait for the F die down before I top up!!
Then wait til F has Totaly finished then rack off and de-gas...
I'll asked my question before I do any else..if yous don't mind..just to sure and my brain have got the info stored!!! For how long I don't know lol
If I write down it'll take ages with my right hand!! So my notes will be on my mobile...
Thanks again for helping me.
Then wait til F has Totaly finished then rack off and de-gas...

Check your instructions Brian, you might find you don't have to rack the kit wine in fact all the kits i have made have never asked for it, you do need to rack when making the supermarket juice wines.

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