Maximum volume wort from Braumeister 20L

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Sep 16, 2016
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I have a Braumeister 20L, I'm very novice with all grain brewing and haven't yet got to grips with the equations or software so I was hoping someone could help me out... if I wanted to brew a 5% pale ale, what is the greatest volume of wort I could get using my BM20L? I'm thinking that I load as much grain in as possible and top up the fermenter with additional water afterwards. Does that make sense?
It's really not that simple sadly. Particularly if you now have a BM.

I suggest that you use one of the standard pale/IPA recipes direct off the BM website. And then build up your knowledge and exp me from there.

You can't go wrong with Beersmith though. And I would suggest you get it. Just download the BM equipment profile and start having a play around and watch some of Brads instructional videos on YouTube.

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I will definitely be taking your advice Hoddy, thank you for that.
However, I kinda meant it more as a question on the practical and/or theoretical limits of the BM20. I probably didn't explain myself adequately :whistle:

I have this notion that at it's simplest state, making wort is a triangular relationship between grain, water and original gravity. If you have any two, you can calculate the third. Obviously there are lots of factors at work in that calculation, like the efficiency of your system, grain varieties, adjuncts etc but if one chose a recipe style that was mostly a pale base malt then surely we can come up with an answer?
The BM manual says is can take 4-5KG of grain. 5KG of pale malt + x litres of water = 1.048 If we assume our FG stops at 1.010 then we have an abv of 5 (ish). What's the x?

Hands-on with the BM, is 5KG the max? Can you squeeze more out?

I have seen threads about double-volume mashes, but I was more interested in 1 mash.
6 Kg is about the maximum in a 20L BM without using any 'tricks'.