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Feb 16, 2015
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Had a big brew day last week and did three in an afternoon/evening :shock: :-

Turbo cider
Clibit's simple AG
Festival Razorback IPA

Took 6 hours in total. Discovered that the time required for a the AG to chill down to yeast pitching temperature is the same as going to the pub for a couple of pints :drink:

I made the TC with Tesco 100% apple juice (£3.40 for a four pack), a cup of strong Assam tea, 80 grms sugar, re-hydrated cider yeast, and malic acid. It started to ferment in less than an hour :cool:. I need to do the maths for the OG. I only put three litres of AJ in initially in case it went wild. So I know the SG of that mix (with the sugar and tea) and I know the SG of the AJ so I need to do a quick calculation for when I added the other 1 1/2 litres of AJ.

I used Clibit's recipe for the AG, I used Golding Hops (I tend to like beers with it in). The smells you get from the wort are lovely. Took a while for the fermentation to start but once it was away it was bubbling faster than anything I've done before (admittedly not many). The wort tasted nice, nice enough to drink straight away really.

Finally the Razorback. I use filtered water in my brews as our water is very chloriney. I use the britta filter mechanism balanced over the neck of a pressure barrel. For convenience I had the barrel on the draining board and put the FV on the floor below it. Pouring the water from that height made a really good job of aerating the mixture.

They're all bubbling away nicely now.

Proper brew day! No messing about, loads to look forward to. :hat:
Hi Twostage , I'm new to cidre making. I'm curious why you added the assam to the apple juice. Never heard of it! How is it supposed to taste?
Hi Twostage , I'm new to cidre making. I'm curious why you added the assam to the apple juice. Never heard of it! How is it supposed to taste?

Hi I'm new to all kinds of brewing :shock:

Apparently cider apples contain tannin but eaters don't so you can either put in tannin tablets or strong tea.

It's still bubbling away nicely so it's quite cloudy so I won't be having a taste test until it stops. I'll publish the results when I do :-P
Bottled the TC and the AG tonight.

The TC had an FG of 1.001 :razz: OG was 1.060 so that's over 7%. Tasted very dry but not dry enough to suck your cheeks in. The missus said "Wow" when she tasted it.

Can't remember what the FG of the AG was (OG was 1.058) but it was over 6%. Bit high. Tasted absolutely brilliant. Not like a home brew at all. Really full flavour. I'm hooked.:geek:

Tested the Razorback. SG was 1.003 (instructions said bottle/barrel at 1.005) so added the hop pellets. It had a very distinctive taste that the missus didn't like. Difficult to describe but sort of very hoppy at the front of your mouth. I fermented it at a relatively high temp (22-23) which might be the cause. Will test again once the hops have had their allotted 5 days and I put it in a barrel.
Barrelled the razorback tonight. The flavour I could detect before but not identify is butterscotch so it has diacetyl. It's not as strong now so ageing for a while should bring it back into line right ?

FG was 1.002 so 5.7% ABV.
Oh, and I dropped my hydrometer and smashed it :evil:

Fortunately I'd found my dads old one the other weekend and relieved him of it :wink:

I think it is right that smashing a hydrometer is a brewing right of passage.

Going to get another one.
Oh, and I dropped my hydrometer and smashed it :evil:

Fortunately I'd found my dads old one the other weekend and relieved him of it :wink:

I think it is right that smashing a hydrometer is a brewing right of passage.

Going to get another one.
It is. Just don't drop it up your passage.....
Had a sample of the Razorback IPA. The taste is mellowing. The butterscotch is turning to a mild toffee flavour and the head retention is really good. Actually very drinkable now.

A few more weeks and I think it is going to be really nice.

Just shows - give it time.

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