Topping up question

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Aug 22, 2019
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I've made 2 gallons of Rice and Raisin wine, which seemed to be going along well in the bucket for the last week.
Sunday I strained it off into 2 demijohns, one of them is full, and due to some adding error the second one was about 1.5 litres missing. Obviously I was mildly irritated lol.
So, usually when this happens I bung in some apple juice (I personally think it works with everything), I only had a litre so I chucked that in and there was still a gap.
On here I read that you should top up with sugar syrup of the same amount of sugar as was in the original wine.
So I got about 300ml of water and added approx 220g sugar and dissolved it. Then I chucked that in and filled it up to the top.
Both seem to be chugging merrily along at the moment.

This is the ingredients per gallon:

750g rice
500g raisins
1 kg sugar
yeast nutrient
half teaspoon citric acid (replace with juice of 1 lemon)
water to 4.5 litre.

Which I think works out at about 289g sugar per litre.

So my question is, have I added enough sugar or too much?

(oh the apple juice I added was just some tesco concentrate stuff, which is apparently 95g sugar per litre)
Assuming your 289g/ltr is accurate this works out at over 16%abv, Not all wine yeasts will ferment that high.
So your wine may turn out a bit sweet,(depending upon the yeast).

A hygometer would save you this angst in future.
I highly reccomend you get one for your next wine,It takes out ALL the guesswork before you start the ferment.
Even the best of us can make a mistake when going just by weight allone.
Oh damn, I’m not a fan of sweet wine, should’ve just topped up with water I guess.
The yeast was the Wilko Gervin universal yeast, on another forum someone optimistically states it can go to 18%, maybe I’ll get lucky!
Lol I actually have a hydrometer I just always forget to use it.
No matter, one gallon will still be ok, and it’s not exactly expensive ingredient wise lol.

Thanks for your help
Possible to split it into 3 DJ's maybe with 1 carton of apple and more water to top up. You will loose flavour though. Should end up dry then.

Rice and raisin? Is it any good or a first experiment?

My best experiment so far is an Apple & Elderflower, but the Red grape with blueberry is good - tastes like muffins. :laugh8:
I add up the sugar in the fruit juices and subtract that amount from 1kg. So it's about 800g of sugar per 4.5L demijohn.

My parsnip wine included 1kg of sugar and 1kg raisins plus any sugars in the parsnip. It bottled at 12% so I would add less sugar next time.
Ah so there is a YouTuber - Happy Homestead, he posts recipes and reviews.

One of his recipes was rice and raisin; he said it was one of his best so I thought I’d try it lol. So partly experimental but also with a recommendation. Although I believe he might’ve followed a CJJ Berry recipe this time.

A sound idea but I am reluctant to lose any flavour as I believe it will be quite a subtle flavour from the rice.

The rice is not boiled it goes in the bucket dry.

Parsnip wine also very tempting as ingredients are cheap and many people say gives good results. Although apparently it can be a ******* to clear lol. Mind you 1kg raisins seems like a lot!
Here's the recipe I used. It's as clear as gin although not the same colour.

26th October, 2019

2 kg parsnips washed, not peeled - sliced
zest of one lemon
1 lemon sliced
1 kg raisins, chopped
1 kg sugar
1 tsp yeast
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1 tsp pectolase
1 tsp citric acid

Boil parsnips for 15 minutes; strain but don't squeeze.

Cover raisins and lemon in water and boil for 5 mins.
Strain and squeeze. Rescue the lemon slices.

Add lemon zest, slices and sugar.

Bring to the boil and simmer for about 45 minutes until it foams - sign of sugar turning to syrup.

Remove lemon slices (keep as candied fruit)

Add the syrup to the parsnip liquor.

Cool, and add the yeast etc.

OG 1.092
FG 1.002
ABV 11.8%

racked off and stabilised 19th November
fined 20th
bottled 21st
Oh so you don’t need a bucket?

Not seen it done that way before, with a syrup I mean, interesting.

What does it taste like?
No bucket, just pans, induction hob. It's like a sauterne. Medium/medium sweet. Well rounded. I finished a whole bottle yesterday. The candied lemons were amazing - still a little sour but sugary too. Some water to top up to 4.5 not listed. I used a wine yeast.
Re Mr S Jerusalem, I posted my reply before i realised you are NOT a "beginner".Please accept my apologies.

If your yeast is good to 18% you may yet still end up with a drinkable wine,Just be prepared for a rather long ferment.

Berry does give rice wine recipies in his book "130 new winemaking recipes" But i should point out these are not the same as japanese Saki.
In Saki the sugar is obtained by using a fungus called "Koji" which converts the rice starch to sugar DURING the fermentation.The result is a water clear very strong wine.

I bought my Koji from a homebrew shop (they had to order it in.) The resultant saki was very nice,very smooth.
Not at all like a regular "wine".
While it’s true I have been making wine for some time I do still occasionally make what they call ‘a rookie mistake’ lol

Brewing lesson number one was ‘be patient’.

Yes I quite like that book, lots of interesting recipes, and of course his First Steps.

I actually have a bottle of sake in the cupboard but I’ve never tried it. (And of course I would have to serve it a 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit - James Bond lol)
Maybe something to look into brewing in the future as it sounds interesting.

I really went for the rice and raisin recipe because the ingredients are cheap and I’m told it’s very nice.
I put raisins in most of my wines,To me they give a wonderfull flavour from the start,And also "matures" very nicely indeed.

I also often use small amounts of Nutmeg,Cinnamon,Allspice,Vanilla and very small amounts of cloves.
The result is not unlike a Vermouth.

If you do want try Saki you will find loads of info online.
So I racked both demijohns today cos yesterday I noticed some wierd ***** floating on top that I didn’t like the look of innit.

It was a bit brown and a bit blue green, like little blobs? Although the green might be the shitty lighting in my old house lol.

Anyway, so amusingly as anticipated, one demijohn tasted young but ok, and one demijohn is like WOW the booze lol. On the plus side that one isn’t sweet. Man I dislike sweet booze. Except that Spanish(?) one with the little biscuits they give you in some places. That ones excellent.

I’m quite curious to see how these turn out lol.

Also as you may have guessed from my half asssed typing I am a couple glasses in. Pumpkin wine as it happens. It’s mental don’t make it lol.

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