The Truth.

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
They kicked him off social media so he is launching his own. :laugh8:


Donald Trump is launching a social media platform called Truth Social, which will go public via a merger with a blank-cheque company, as the former US president seeks to capitalise on his popularity among a large chunk of Republicans.
The move comes after months of speculation about whether Trump would launch a media company to compete with Twitter and Facebook and set the stage for another presidential run in 2024. Trump, who used Twitter extensively during his 2016 campaign and four years in office, was banned from the platform, along with Facebook, YouTube and other big social media networks in the wake of the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. The former president said in a statement on Wednesday that the new app would be controlled by Trump Media & Technology Group. “I created Truth Social and TMTG to stand up to the tyranny of Big Tech,” he said in a statement. “We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American president has been silenced. This is unacceptable.”
Digital World Acquisition, a special purpose acquisition company launched by Patrick Orlando, will merge with TMTG in a deal that values the business at $875m, with a potential to rise to $1.7bn based on the performance of the stock.

FULL ARTICLE - Trump to launch social media platform to compete with Twitter and Facebook | Financial Times (
Not his money, of course. Always happy to spend other people's, if it can be to his advantage, though.

i do rather like

“We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter, yet your favorite American president has been silenced. This is unacceptable.”

That's, er, quite a line.
He's still a dumbfuck with a vast amount of debt and to think a bunch of complete fucktards in the UK hung their hat on him is quite hilarious. Not quite as funny as a huge number of Americans actually voting for the fetid ****, but still.
You shouldn't restrain yourself like that when commenting. I recommend cutting loose next time.
Trump is such a cheapskate, he is using open-source software! of course, he never likes spending his own money. Understandable, I guess, with the legal bills he'll have coming up.

“Do you honestly believe the majority of Brexit voters voted to leave because they are racist?”

No, because they swallowed the lies about the impact of removing ourselves from Europe. My Tory Brexit voting bro-in-law regrets his choice but that’s hindsight for you.
That's true. Furthermore, considering the unpopularity of his and Georgie Boy's 'austerity' policy, Cameron vastly underestimated the willingness of the public to give him the finger by voting No. A gut reaction with little logic behind it, but all votes are of equal value in the referendum.
So what were the Americans options?

Do you honestly believe the majority of Brexit voters voted to leave because they are racist?
Perhaps not racism per se, but certainly there's a great chunk of xenophobia in there- whipped up by Farage's images of hoards of immigrants on the move, by the idea that "they" 're taking our jobs and undercutting our wages, that "they" 're blocking hospital beds and engaging in health tourism, that "they" all want to come here because of the benefits (:laugh8::laugh8::laugh8::laugh8::laugh8:) by our overtly xenophobic press led by the Express, by little old ladies holding forth at the newspaper stand in Tesco, Branksome telling us how there would be public beheadings in Bournemouth Square before much longer etc, etc ad nauseam. Let's not forget, too, that island nations seem to have more of a natural predisposition towards xenophobia than otherwise.
I didn't vote as i tired of the lies coming out of both camps fairly early on, i did agree that limiting immigration to those that have the skills we need rather than an open door policy would benefit the country, does that make me a racist?

There would of coursed be exceptions for asylum seekers etc.

i did agree that limiting immigration to those that have the skills we need rather than an open door policy would benefit the country, does that make me a racist?
I would say not (of course you could be secretly). I do think a more open door policy than you're advocating would be better. Immigration brings more than just "skills". What are these "skills" we need, anyway? What I really don't like is the way we "harvest" medical practitioners from other countries who've invested in their training while severely limiting training places in our own.
What I really don't like is the way we "harvest" medical practitioners from other countries who've invested in their training while severely limiting training places in our own.

I totally disagree with that statement we don't "gather" these people they choose to come here to work.
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