YeastFace Brewdays

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Jun 19, 2015
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It seems the done thing is to stick to the one thread for brewdays, so I'll now be using this one for any new brewdays henceforth.

I've been on brewing hiatus for a while (over two years) as moved into the in-laws and all my equipment went into storage. We now have our own place and I've got a dedicated undercover brewing area in the garden I've just about finished putting together. Hopefully I'll be adding my first new brewday to this thread on Saturday (if it ever stops raining!)

In readiness I've linked below to my previous standalone threads (photos all now seem to have disappeared from those sadly). An asterisk marks my favourite recipes.

1 - Patersbier

2 - White IPA*

3 - Extra Special Bitter

4 - Weizenbock

5 - Coffee Blonde*

6 - Dark Mild

7 - Gotlandsdricka

8 - Belgian Golden Strong

9 - Rye IPA

10 - NEIPA

11 - Session IPA

12 - Czech Dark Lager*

13 - Bière de Garde*
14 - Hazelnut Porter.

The inspiration for this (and the next) recipe has come from an archaeological study which was submitted as part of the planning application for the estate I recently moved onto. There was evidence of the growing or use of barley, wheat, oats, and hazelnuts. In a nod to this heritage, I decided that my first beer would be a hazelnut porter. This should be ready for my daughter's first birthday party in December.


4.3kg Golden Promise (84.6%)
400g Naked Malted Oats (8%)
150g Chocolate Malt (3%)
120g Extra Light Crystal (2.4%)
100g Chocolate Wheat Malt (2%)

20g Northdown (60 mins)
15g East Kent Goldings (15 mins)
15g East Kent Goldings (10 mins)

Mangrove Jacks M42 New World Strong Ale.

15ml Hazelnut extract added at kegging.

Estimated numbers.

Volume: 20l (19l into keg)
SG: 1.051
FG: 1.011
ABV: 5.3%
EBC: 45
IBU: 28

Originally I wanted to use Golden Naked Oats, which have a nutty flavour, but TMM were out of stock when I ordered.

Hops-wise I reached out to a local(ish) hop garden who supply Hogs Back, but haven't heard back. Hopefully I can get these for the next beer to enhance the local connection.

Just waiting for my partner and daughter to go out for the day, then the HLT will be going on.
Would love to see a picture of your outdoor setup. My brewery is also outdoors, but it’s not under cover.

It's a Keter XL Storage Cupboard (available here, or from JD Williams, which worked out cheaper as I found a discount code). Stainless table is 1200mm x 600mm from eBay, perfect fit.

With it being plastic, it should be easier to keep clean than a wooden shed. We'll see how it deals with a rolling boil later, but am hoping that having the doors open will ventilate the steam enough.
Being out of practice, there were a few hiccups but nothing major.

Mash was 65.5° against target of 68°, my equipment profile is still for indoor brewing so this didn't account for the mash tun being colder as it's now outside. As I HERMS, this didn't matter too much and I was at target before too long.

Mash, sparge and boil all went fine, I tried to chill the wort down but my parents came to collect my brother and ended up staying several hours so in the end I just emptied the wort into my brewbucket and placed it in the keezer to cool down. Hopefully it will be down to pitching temp tonight. I think I will need to liquor back a couple of litres or was way over efficiency.

I still need to empty the tun, but that will have to wait until morning.

The brewshed worked well, really easy to clean up any spillages. I had to wipe down the inside of the roof maybe twice whilst boiling, but was otherwise well-ventilated.

I think my set up will be great in Spring-early Autumn, but after my next brew that will probably be it until the New Year as the cold and rain sets in.


Grist shot

Some additions to the liquor


After recirculation


First runnings

Rolling boil

Simple hop filter did its job

Clean up next morning

Things for the future

Get a stand for the pump
Get 2 more Camlock type Cs
Get a more efficient chiller
Perhaps get another pump so as to avoid having to unlock the one, will minimise leakage and potential for scolding.
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Brewing outside it has advantages… mainly that you can make loads of mess and just hose everything down.

It’s rare that the weather rules out a brew day for me - normally I can find a point over a weekend to brew even with my uncovered kit. Rain or high winds are a problem, but your kit is covered, which will help.
A fine write up and a good read. La Choulette is one of my favourite brewers. I didn't know you could find Sans Coulottes or any other of their beer in the UK.
How come you got out of practice?
A fine write up and a good read. La Choulette is one of my favourite brewers. I didn't know you could find Sans Coulottes or any other of their beer in the UK.
How come you got out of practice?

Thank you.

I love bière de garde so was happy to find a couple in my local wine shop. I used to order from Savuer Bière but they stopped shipping to UK a few years back, so it's not the easiest style to get hold of. Although Morrisons does sell La Goudale now.

We moved out of my old rented house about 2 years ago, into the in-laws to save. All brewing equipment had to go into storage. Have bought a house now (late August) but only just sorted brewing space.
Thank you.

I love bière de garde so was happy to find a couple in my local wine shop. I used to order from Savuer Bière but they stopped shipping to UK a few years back, so it's not the easiest style to get hold of. Although Morrisons does sell La Goudale now.

We moved out of my old rented house about 2 years ago, into the in-laws to save. All brewing equipment had to go into storage. Have bought a house now (late August) but only just sorted brewing space.
That's excellent news. In fact Saveur Bière have been taken over by one of the big distributors and they don't do anything decent anymore. You wouldn't recognise them. La Goudale is excellent beer for the price: on offer in Leclerk for €1.50 for 75cl this week, which is, I admit, exceptional. It's normally about €2.20. I buy it for The Wise One so she gets the beer and I get the bottles and corks- everyone's a winner.
Glad you're back in business. While I had no intention of brewing a bière de garde, I managed to brew something very similar quite by accident and quite by surprise, in view of the ingredients. I'll post the recipe if you want to try it.
That's excellent news. In fact Saveur Bière have been taken over by one of the big distributors and they don't do anything decent anymore. You wouldn't recognise them. La Goudale is excellent beer for the price: on offer in Leclerk for €1.50 for 75cl this week, which is, I admit, exceptional. It's normally about €2.20. I buy it for The Wise One so she gets the beer and I get the bottles and corks- everyone's a winner.
Glad you're back in business. While I had no intention of brewing a bière de garde, I managed to brew something very similar quite by accident and quite by surprise, in view of the ingredients. I'll post the recipe if you want to try it.

I think they bought Beer Hawk here too which was cited as one of the reasons SB stopped taking UK orders. Lidl or Aldi do a French week and if you're lucky you can pick up a 75cl bottle of bière de garde.

Recipe sounds great, thank you.
I think they bought Beer Hawk here too which was cited as one of the reasons SB stopped taking UK orders. Lidl or Aldi do a French week and if you're lucky you can pick up a 75cl bottle of bière de garde.

Recipe sounds great, thank you.
It's actually a ramped up edition of Summer Lightning fermented with French Ale yeast. The latter is a White Labs "Vaults" strain and is only produced now and then. I've been promising myself to look for an alternative, but I've managed to keep the strain going for a couple of years. Might work well with a Bière de Garde strain. I've brewed this three times now. It tastes nothing like Summer Lightning.

Here we go: "Thunder Gods- Imperial Summer Lightning"
Batch size 12 litres. OG 1062-1063 FG 1004-1006 abv 7.5% IBU's 40
My water is quite soft so I add 1 tsp calcium sulphate and half a teaspoon of calcium chloride.
Crisp's Best Pale Ale malt 3.5 Kg
FWH EKGs or Worcester Goldings or French Goldings to 40 ibus (nominal) using the formula:
grams of hops = (length (12 L) x IBUs (40)) divided by (2 X alpha acid content). I don't do Tinseth it doesn't work for me.
60 mins EKGs 10g
30 mins EKGs 10g
Flameout EKGS 10g

Overnight mash 65C
90 minute boil
Pitch with WLP-072
Prime with 3g sugar in 33cl bottles and store for 6 months.
Spread it about.(yeast)
In the 24th century people may well be drinking different things
Its how we have the yeast we have that makes brewing even remotely possible.
Long live the yeasties. athumb..
What hazelnut extract are you using? I’ve toyed with the idea of adding some to my next stout.
14 - Hazelnut Porter.

The inspiration for this (and the next) recipe has come from an archaeological study which was submitted as part of the planning application for the estate I recently moved onto. There was evidence of the growing or use of barley, wheat, oats, and hazelnuts. In a nod to this heritage, I decided that my first beer would be a hazelnut porter. This should be ready for my daughter's first birthday party in December.


4.3kg Golden Promise (84.6%)
400g Naked Malted Oats (8%)
150g Chocolate Malt (3%)
120g Extra Light Crystal (2.4%)
100g Chocolate Wheat Malt (2%)

20g Northdown (60 mins)
15g East Kent Goldings (15 mins)
15g East Kent Goldings (10 mins)

Mangrove Jacks M42 New World Strong Ale.

15ml Hazelnut extract added at kegging.

Estimated numbers.

Volume: 20l (19l into keg)
SG: 1.051
FG: 1.011
ABV: 5.3%
EBC: 45
IBU: 28

Originally I wanted to use Golden Naked Oats, which have a nutty flavour, but TMM were out of stock when I ordered.

Hops-wise I reached out to a local(ish) hop garden who supply Hogs Back, but haven't heard back. Hopefully I can get these for the next beer to enhance the local connection.

Just waiting for my partner and daughter to go out for the day, then the HLT will be going on.
I did see that but it's labelled as essence, rather than extract, but then is also labelled natural which confused me. I thought extract was natural ingredients and essence was synthetic?
The hazelnut extract has arrived. It's a unique flavour - tastes like the non-edible bits inside a walnut, mixed with a slight mouldiness.

I will add the recommended dosage to a shop-bought porter I think, to see if it works. Otherwise, I might add cacao nibs too - although I'm not sure they were growing cocoa in the Weald in the middle ages.

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