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      Wrh reacted to Manitude's post in the thread BIAB guide for beginners. with Like Like.
      Hello everyone! :hat: Thought I'd drop by with a few photos and comments from my latest brew. I'm not an expert by any stretch of the...
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      Wrh reacted to foxy's post in the thread Cold Crash ? with Like Like.
      Knowledge is gained by experience.
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      Wrh replied to the thread Cold Crash ?.
      Thank you foxy that's an excellent answer and I'm going to give it a go and see what happens . Thanks to everyone else who's posted too
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      Wrh reacted to foxy's post in the thread Cold Crash ? with Like Like.
      First of I hope it is sanitised water in your airlock. I just use cling wrap over the top of the fermenter kept in place by an elastic...
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      Wrh reacted to RoomWithABrew's post in the thread Cold Crash ? with Like Like.
      "I assume the beer and air space shrink" The beer will probably expand below 4C, not sure that I can see how the space above the beer...
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      Wrh reacted to Rodcx500z's post in the thread Cold Crash ? with Like Like.
      All i can say is it works for me
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      Wrh reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread Cold Crash ? with Like Like.
      Tin foil won't stop any oxygen getting in. I assume that "no problems" means that "whilst oxygen got in, it didn't cause any problems"...
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      Wrh reacted to Rodcx500z's post in the thread Cold Crash ? with Like Like.
      If you get a good tight fit very little if any will get in, i even do it over night when i no chill never had a problem
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      Wrh reacted to Rodcx500z's post in the thread Cold Crash ? with Like Like.
      I take the airlock out and bung some rolled up tin foil in the hole
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      Wrh replied to the thread Cold Crash ?.
      Is the amount of oxygen that goes in a problem it doesn't seem to be if just stopping flies etc is enough ie the tin foil hole block lol...
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      Wrh reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread Cold Crash ? with Like Like.
      Whilst both the beer and airspace shrink as they cool down, I think that only has a marginal impact. what has a much bigger impact (from...
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      Wrh reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread Cold Crash ? with Like Like.
      Yes, it can. If you attach a CO2 reservoir or a balloon filled with CO2 to your fermenter, it'll prevent air being sucked back in
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      Wrh replied to the thread Cold Crash ?.
      Thanks agent gonzo I don't have any co2 so I'd better not try it lol , thanks for answering
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      Wrh replied to the thread Cold Crash ?.
      Does cold crashing introduce oxygen into your finished beer ie I assume the beer and air space shrink when cold so does the water in...
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      Wrh reacted to Benfleet Brewery's post in the thread Hop bags with Like Like.
      I also use them in the kettle. The instructions on the bags say you can wash them at 30 degrees but mine go in for a 60min boil and come...
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