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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
If I just heard right they made a profit of £6.9 billion in the three months to June the second highest they have ever made meanwhile popele are struggling to fuel their vehicles due to price of everyday essentials raising daily, I wonder how much the government made in tax off the price increases
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... and how much the Tory party got in donations from big oil companies
When you have that level of donations from big companies democracies tend to devolve into oligarchies.

how long before a 'Labour/Blair got donations from.........what about......they are all the same....?'
... and how much the Tory party got in donations from big oil companies
Just over a million quid in the two years to the day of 2021 (according to OpenDemocracy) from firms linked to the energy sector, but not from any of the big companies like Shell, BP, most are companies that provide technology to the industry.
Is it the companies fault or the government? Are the profits coming from electric and gas, or from other parts of thr business?
And lots of ppl rely on their dividends, so there are always 2 sides of the coin.
Ah, the old chestnut! I’m amazed that the “little old lady” who “relies on her income from shares” didn’t make an appearance!

The truth is that most shares are held by multi-national companies who bought out the famous “little old lady” many years ago! If you want any proof, look at who owns the nationalised companies that were “sold to the public” during the privatisation process. (This is yet another myth ‘cos the majority of shares were sold to multi-national companies based in London and the public were offered 30% or less!)

The whole shareholder scam is yet another part of the “I’m alright Jack!” syndrome that currently grips the UK.

It will be interesting to see the results brought about by the latest economy mismanagement in the UK.
Hi, American here-
Sorry to see y'all suffering from the same corruption and greed inflicted on the people by corporations.
In America, we have a supreme court ruling that says corporations are 'people' and money is 'speech'. So corporations through the help of super -PACs "talk" to our politicians.
in America 89% of the stock market is held by the top 10% of the nation- so not really a good barometer for the publics financial health.

Oil corporations collectively made 40+ Billion in the last quarter.
Largely due to the fact that the previous administration solidified a loophole that allows Wallstreet to trade unregulated derivatives (again) this is what led to the housing bubble and financial crash in 2008. B/c of this loophole corporations are exploiting 'future' prices.
If you're interested in a much better explanation than I'm capable of check out this link

Ah, the old chestnut! I’m amazed that the “little old lady” who “relies on her income from shares” didn’t make an appearance!

The truth is that most shares are held by multi-national companies who bought out the famous “little old lady” many years ago! If you want any proof, look at who owns the nationalised companies that were “sold to the public” during the privatisation process. (This is yet another myth ‘cos the majority of shares were sold to multi-national companies based in London and the public were offered 30% or less!)

The whole shareholder scam is yet another part of the “I’m alright Jack!” syndrome that currently grips the UK.

It will be interesting to see the results brought about by the latest economy mismanagement in the UK.
Luckily the London Stock Exchange is open for everyone. I'm just wondering, economic experts like yourself why didn't make big money there yet.
Luckily the London Stock Exchange is open for everyone. I'm just wondering, economic experts like yourself why didn't make big money there yet.
I’m not sure but I think it’s called “principles” or “morals” or something similar.

I fail to see the difference between a Shareholder and a Pimp. They both live off the efforts of others and neither seems very moral to me.
I’m not sure but I think it’s called “principles” or “morals” or something similar.

I fail to see the difference between a Shareholder and a Pimp. They both live off the efforts of others and neither seems very moral to me.
That's a silly outlook. Go into a stock exchange see how many ordinary people invest in shares, you will see some who are there all day every day making a living trading shares, there is one guy I have seen in there who wears his carpet slippers!
If it wasn't for investors there wouldn't be jobs.
Investors are the ones taking a chance with their money investing in projects, surely they are entitled to a return?
You may be against investing in the stock market, but inevitably you probably do, insurance companies, superannuation companies even unions invest in the stock market.
I’m not sure but I think it’s called “principles” or “morals” or something similar.

I fail to see the difference between a Shareholder and a Pimp. They both live off the efforts of others and neither seems very moral to me.

So... anyone who has a pension say, or even investing and saving their money. We are all pimps and prostitutes?
I’m not sure but I think it’s called “principles” or “morals” or something similar.

I fail to see the difference between a Shareholder and a Pimp. They both live off the efforts of others and neither seems very moral to me.
So stuck in your old ways, as usual.

Financial planning is nothing to do with morals. I would say it is being morally responsible. Effective financial planning will mean people are less likely to rely on the state for handouts.

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