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Tony Tiler

New Member
Jul 16, 2018
Reaction score
I've been home brewing from commercial kits for about 5yrs or so, started off with the wilkos stuff you know but then started buying kits off the internet such as the American Craft Beers Range, etc...
Ive also dabbled with cheap kits and substituting the sugar with Honey, Golden Syrup, Cherry Jam, Marmalade etc..
I also do the 30 bottle wine kits..(just to keep the wife happy ya know.. ;-))
I have tried hedgerow wine but doesn't always turn out how it should. This year I tried elderflower fizz...dead easy to make and pretty potent but not that nice on its own. Waste not, want not so was quite quaffable with a few added extras...lol.
I've wanted to try AG for a good many years but been too afraid to dive in if you like, hopefully with reading about other peoples dilemma's on here it might spur me on a little. I have bought a second hand gas Burco tea urn as a start to my kit so lets see where this goes.
Sorry for the essay...lol, I didn't know what to say at first...
The powers of homebrew eh...
Bloody hell, don't need anything fancy for AG Tony, I did my first kit brew in about 25 years several weeks ago. Not bad results in the end, but then came by a basics to AG thread on here which intrigued me a lot, so read the entire hundreds of posts thread to find all we really need for AG brewing is a good sized stock pot, a few other basic & cheap bits and the raw ingredients. Already done 2 AG brews and on my third next week. Will still do the occasional lazy kit brew (at some point) but truly feel that AG brewing is where the future lies for me in home brewing as it gets you so much more involved, gives a more superior end brew, gives so much more scope to play with and tweak countless AG recipes to make endless options you'd never get from kit's

More a case of "I did that from scratch, no kit involved brews". Well that and the much cheaper cost too :) .

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