New Allgrain set up starting in garage

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Mar 22, 2019
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HI, I am just starting out, Have got electric fitted in garage and will be putting grandfather and fastferment conical set up.

It does not look much at the moment but will do as i progress.

I have water to fit and new shelving to install plus sinks for washing and sanitising and ferment fridge and extension to build, lots to do and step by step it is now part planning part install.

Looking foward to the learning curve

What do you intend brewing "Grandfathers Revenge IPA" "Grandpa's Porter""Grandma's Goze"Lol. Welcome to the forum
I put a water supply into my garage for brewing by putting a t joint into a supply for an outside tap. My first bit of real plumbing. It was highly satisfying to do it all myself.

I struggled with waste water though. Didn't have a drain in the garage and didn't want to dig my garden up. So I bought a 10m length of corrugated reinforced aquarium pipe (about 35mm in diameter) which I chuck across the patio to the nearest drain.
Yes I going to run it out of the garage to outside that will do. There is no drain but if will flow down the road.

Thanks for the compliment on the common was 20.5lb
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Water supply I am going to use garden hose to a connector that converts to push fit then plastic pipe to another connector for tap which has a ripple to allow me to connect the cooler hose to it. All will become clear soon enough.
Just make sure if you are using the water supply for anything that goes into the brew that hosepipes do vary in what they are made of and some will pass on a plastic taste but if you are using it for the brew etc I believe you can get food safe hosing from camping/caravan suppliers
Does anyone have a good and reasonably priced source of blue water hose?

I run a 10m length of hosepipe from an outside tap to the garage and have been worried about off taste transfer for a while, so looking to replace it.
I have one of those flexible hoses that shrink back. Not sure about taste, but good point. OK for washing a cleansing I think which is really what I am trying to achieve in the garage but maybe also for the brew. I need to get on top if it can be used for the beer as well or not. Ideally I want to link up with some experienced people in Essex, and look at this point in particular.
Just used aquarium water test strips on garden tap through hose and it shows nil on nitrates No3- and NO2-, ph 7 to 7.5 and unsurprisingly carbonate harness 240+ and General hardness 180+. No surprise here, this is Essex and the water is hard here.
Also tasted the water and it tastes different yes, so not suitable. That is a bit of a relief to me so I can easily make decision now to use bottled water from Lidl and then use the water supply for cleaning and sanitising
look on Amazon and Fleabay food grade flexible hose @ £20 for 10 metres may be even cheaper shopping around as this was the first search that came up
Good evening! Two things: check the cheap water of ALL cheap supermarket chains, so you can shop as your water profile requires, and if you gonna have a sink, get a big one. No, bigger. Bigger. The Big Sink. Because you want big things to fit in there.