St Austell Proper Job Bottle conditioned

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Dec 5, 2015
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How do they get that perfect level of carbonisation with virtually no yeast sediment in the bottle. I want to do it also !
I suspect that actually the term "bottle conditioned" to what is known in the HB world and commercial brewing is slightly different. I would surmise that actually the beer "matures" in the bottle but is actually pre-carbonated in tank before bottling and only ages to drinking condition rather than what you know as bottle carb and condition.

But also i have seen a fair amount of PJ bottles with yeast and settled cack in them. maybe you've just been lucky.
I've just cultured up and grown the dregs of a bottle of Proper Job for a colleague who wants to make a Malt Miller kit of something similar. I didn't like the beer, I have to say, but the yeast is a monster: came down this morning to find the lid of my fermenter open (which I'd happily left loose) and something from Quatermass oozing all over the table. It did get a bit warm yesterday evening - I measured 22C, but it was down to 18 this morning.
Has anybody used this yeast? Is it unique to Saint Austell or is it a proprietary yeast.
I'm putting off cleaning up so I better get to it.

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