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  1. fermentall

    West Berkshire water(magnesium)

    Hi, does anyone know the ppm of magnesium in West Berkshire water? I have all the other info except magnesium content. 🍻
  2. fermentall

    Merry Christmas everyone

    :cheers: & All the Very Best to One & All :drink:
  3. fermentall

    The change one letter game.

    scary :o
  4. fermentall

    This is North Devon calling...

    Hi & welcome, used to stay in your area years ago at Southcoombe farm with the owners who are friends of ours.
  5. fermentall

    opening red wine kits?

    get a blunt knife or spoon handle and insert it where the stopper/cork/bung meets the bag neck and just tweak it a little and then the stopper just pulls off easily :cheers:
  6. fermentall

    AG#20 - Atomic Pale Ale

    Just rehydrate it in 100ml of water & pitch it. :cheers:
  7. fermentall

    Art of Brewing - Excellent

    Hi,i ordered some wine kits from them & had quality service & value also :thumb: :clap: AOB.
  8. fermentall

    Vinyl players

    wouldn't be without my Vinyl playing system consisting Linn Sondeck LP12 with a Ittok LV111 Tonearm with a Troika mc cartridge,powered by the Linn Lingo.Linn Kairn pre amp, Linn Klout power amp, Linn Karik CDplayer paired to floor standing Linn Kaber speakers set on granite plinths,LP12 sits on...
  9. fermentall

    West Berks Brewery.

    Hi, does anyone know of a recipe for the above brewery ale called "Good old boy" :cheers:
  10. fermentall

    Rack to secondary? Poll

    Primary for me even if dry hopping & never had a prob yet :pray: just good beers.
  11. fermentall

    Temperature Controllers for Brew Fridge

    The sensor comes with it,the stc acts as a switch basically so whenit heats to temp the heater switches off until it gets to the default setting then clicks on the summer if it were to get too hot :rofl: the fridge would click on and bring the temp down to your setting then go off, it's...
  12. fermentall


    Hi & :cheers:
  13. fermentall

    Brewing Noob

    Hi & :cheers:
  14. fermentall

    Beaverdale 6 btl Chardonnay - queries.

    1 One week isn't abnormal but it is quite quick so maybe you fermented a tad warmer than wanted. 2 No if it is down to 990 it should theoretically stop there & will not get drier than it is. 3 This question isn't relevant (as above)but never throw anything away, as long as it isn't infected you...
  15. fermentall

    propane hose

    go to any caravan dealer or calor gas supplier,roofing supplier. there must be one of the above local to you.
  16. fermentall

    North Korea

    Our governments Globally tell us all porkies every year to get elected & re elected so what they will tell us on a Nuclear war scare is not worth knowing.The truth is we will hear bits of the truth to get general public backing but the wholesale truth will be 50 years in coming to us if ever...
  17. fermentall

    Anyone used Summer hops?

    Hi bought some myself & waiting to get a brew on with them, it will be interesting to see what they are all about as they sound interesting. Will let you know when i have done a brew (WEEKEND HOPEFULLY) :cheers:
  18. fermentall

    Hi - Newbie from the Highlands

    Hi & :cheers:
  19. fermentall

    Hello from Cumbria

    hi & :cheers: