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  1. Rwilts

    Dipping the toes

  2. Rwilts

    How many litres of home brew have you made 2025

    23L of Stout. Total 672 L
  3. Rwilts

    What did you brew today?

    Well thats just crazy - Finished into the cube by 12:30 - its down to 22 degrees so I have been able to pitch athumb.. finally a positive for the cold weather.
  4. Rwilts

    Brewzilla plug melted.

    Brew a bit Rick Shaw posted a video recently where his AIO (Grainfather i think) has melted two consecutive plugs - He swapped out the extension cable between and it still melted , he initially suspected leaving it running too long but the second plug wasn't dont think he has posted a resolution...
  5. Rwilts

    What did you brew today?

    Almost finished a Stout , early start and first 30 min boil ! Not a burger bun in sight @NotSure wink... See how that all works out :)
  6. Rwilts

    Brewster Dominator

    I agree that the wider profile is definitely a positive.
  7. Rwilts

    Brewster Dominator

    No mention here
  8. Rwilts

    Brewster Dominator

    Have I missed it or is the control panel fixed at bottom? Would be a mistake in MHO thing that gets (got) on my nerves the most with my BZ 3.1.1 (until I DIY'D moving it). Most new systems either have it at the top or detachable.
  9. Rwilts

    Is this worth considering?

    This seems like a good price ( no experience of the product and in London)
  10. Rwilts

    Inkbird IPB-16S

    OO the fabled big thing ...
  11. Rwilts

    Inkbird IPB-16S

    I was actually being cheeky :( been a while since four priests last upload ..... Clearly you are entitled to a family life , work life and brewery life with YT when you can , but I do enjoy your content !
  12. Rwilts

    Banks's Mild and Bombardier among ales axed by brewer

    When I frequent local places ( normally connected to going to a live gig) I tend to stick to local tap rooms. the fact that in most of the large pubs around here an average (in both senses) pint if £5.50 (ignoring Spoons and the like) (Blooming heck remember when it costing a £1 was a big deal)...
  13. Rwilts

    Why is my beer cloudy?

    Well that yeast is Highly Fluctuant so I agree it should have cleared , hopefully someone will help
  14. Rwilts

    Why is my beer cloudy?

    Have you chilled it down yet? Do you mean THEN in the garage ? if so ignore me
  15. Rwilts

    BT to retire the old analogue phone network. (title edited)

    I have had FTTH for a couple of years - All good except you loose your landline when the internet goes down (over simplistic description , but you get the idea)
  16. Rwilts

    Inkbird IPB-16S

    :rolleyes: YT ?
  17. Rwilts

    iSpindel battery voltage readings

    In support of @Agentgonzo post , whilst I have never noticed a difference with my iSpindele in 30 + brews , neither have I ever been concerned about it.
  18. Rwilts

    iSpindel battery voltage readings

    Just a guess , but does the temp of the wort effect the voltage reading?
  19. Rwilts

    What matters - Boil-off volume, percentage or time?

    Highly recommend some brewing software. You can set a profile of your equipment and tell it how much wort you want at end of process and it will tell you starting volumes etc... This may also answer some of your questions
  20. Rwilts

    Hi from Lancashire
