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Jul 11, 2013
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Hi all,
after the years battling to get my head around kegerator etc.
after selling my kit I thought I might look at a non DIY version...
this is what i'm looking at MJ KEGERATOR
the three tap one...why not lol.
any reviews or issues ill be appreciate it..
By the looks of it. It's just a fridge with a good drilled on top and a set of taps stuck into the hole.
Do you have the kegs and gas etc alr3sdy?
Aye Leon it looks like that! Lol
By the looks at the pics...can’t see much as far as 3 corni keg n co2 tank and 3 tap regulator..if you know what I mean?
Obvously (for me anyways) I’m assuming that 3 corni’s fit..and co2 tank..
I’ll look at the the beer line diameter and gas lines needed, James guest connection and all that milarky!!
As you know my megerator fitting etc over the years made me confused but I made them.
Probably I’m look at a good looking item shiny shiny....
Of course they’ll be remarks thst I could DIY one less cost etc.
Thank you pal,
I’m assuming that 3 corni’s fit..and co2 tank..
I looked at this out of interest when t first came out. The CO2 canister clips to the back of the fridge, and it only holds 3 corneys if they are the “new shape” kind - if you are buying refurbished kegs it’ll fit 2 19L ones and one of the small corneys (9L?).
spent about an hr n a half...loads of links etc.
and lost the lot!!!!

and finaly doin a bit of Sherlock Holmes......I found out:
the Co2 tank (4l) can be fitted on the back in a cradle.
all the connects, beer/gas line are included
19l corni kegs (in the 3 tap version) even though I was sure somewhere there was 3 23l corning in one...but as usual my brain doesn't work..
the regulator supplied is say a 1,2 or 3 branch one.
mind most links just say all items (apart from a Co2 tank are included)!!!!!!!
thx pal,
you beat me on doing some research lol.
hmmm that's interesting.
mind with my supping, ill be hardly using a one tap...but I could condition another in the same time, what you reckon?
I purchased 3 Tap one a month ago.

I had 3 19l kegs (ex Asahi) but the rubber top and bottom expand the diameter so could only fit 2. So I dug a little deeper into the wallet and bought 3x Of their kegs at the combo price (NZ$123ea).

As per previous notes. Yes the CO2 cylinder sits in a cradle on the back. There is one line from the regulator (supplied) into the kegorator that then splits into 3.

So all 3 Kegs are on the same pressure.

When carbonating a fresh keg, I simply disconnect the other kegs and drop the temp to 2C for a couple of days. There’s usually enough to pull a few beers (extra cold) till the new keg is ready.

I love this kegorator. It looks good and does the job. I can even wheel it from my brew room/office to the Deck by the BBQ it’s impressive!

Upgrades I’m working on
1- converting the single pressure feed to 3 x seperate each with their own pressure gauge.
2- mounting a second basket on the back for a Nitro/CO2 mic cylinder with single feed into the kegorator so I can run one keg as required on Nitrogen mix. I’m switching one tap (supplied) to a newly acquired Stout Tap.
3 - adding an extension and fitting the

Plan is I can switch out a keg with one I want to bottle and go through the 3 day carbonation process then bottle.

Hope that helps.
Why not make one yourself and see how it goes? You can pick up a cheap fridge on gumtree and upgrade to this model in the future if you're so inclined
I have one of these too.
It's pretty good, it's easy to move, fits my three kegs, and the temperature control is great.

The fridge itself is high quality, but the fittings are a bit on the cheap side maybe.

The one I received was dinged a little bit - cosmetic dent in the side, rail on top bent, so I got a small discount.

Also the cap on the tower wasn't straight but had been bashed on, so was a pig to get off and reseat.

The gas tubes are a bit short not giving much range in where to put the bottle. I'm extending it with a valve so I can disconnect the bottle easier and put it out of the way.

I think if you have the right size kegs it's a good way to get set up quickly if you can afford it. All the bits can be upgraded over time.

At the end of the day it's a nice looking bit of kit, and does what it should, but some of the quality issues would make me think twice about buying any Grainfather gear in future.

Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk
I have one of these too.
It's pretty good, it's easy to move, fits my three kegs, and the temperature control is great.

The fridge itself is high quality, but the fittings are a bit on the cheap side maybe.

The one I received was dinged a little bit - cosmetic dent in the side, rail on top bent, so I got a small discount.

Also the cap on the tower wasn't straight but had been bashed on, so was a pig to get off and reseat.

The gas tubes are a bit short not giving much range in where to put the bottle. I'm extending it with a valve so I can disconnect the bottle easier and put it out of the way.

I think if you have the right size kegs it's a good way to get set up quickly if you can afford it. All the bits can be upgraded over time.

At the end of the day it's a nice looking bit of kit, and does what it should, but some of the quality issues would make me think twice about buying any Grainfather gear in future.

Sent from my LG-H870 using Tapatalk

Thanks for that. Think i will get one. Don't have kegs as yet, so I'll need those and a Co2 bottle. Going to be a bit of an outlay but I think it will be worth it in the long run.
Thanks for the very helpful posts here. For an expensive bit of kit the online sales descriptions are incredibly vague.

I ordered one yesterday after a major flat reorder just to make space for it. Still going to be a squeeze. I had little clue what comes in the box and what else I need to buy. Especially @Popatopher has helped there.

Any updates on those who were thinking of it? Progress with upgrades etc ?
I got one last month. It is easily put together. I am having a bit of a problem getting the carbonation right. I have a red ale that is sitting at 11 psi, it pours really quick with a good head but although you can taste the carbonation, it doesn’t have regular bubbles rising like a commercial brew. I may order some flow control taps to try and slow the pour a bit.
Well I've got it installed now. I'll post a full review when (if?) I pull the first few pints.

I echo the thoughts of @Snoot earlier. Whilst it's perfectly good looking, it feels "cheap" around the edges. The rails on the top don't align for example. The font (is that what it's called) doesn't feel particularly classy - not having anything to compare it with, I don't know how it compares with others but I suspect it's low end.

Similarly with the regulator - I've a feeling that will be upgraded soon.

I think, looking at competing models, that this entire unit is made by another company and "Mangrove Jacks" (ie imake as was and now called Bevie) are just licencing it and adding their own instructions and marketing.

Which would explain why it comes with two sets of instructions. One for "Your Chill N' Tap", which I assume is the original manufacturer.

The second set are the Mangrove Jack's, which given that seems to be the only thing they've done, absolutely blows chunks. They should be ashamed of them.

Crappy photos which must have been taken on a 1998 0.2 megapixel camera and then run through a blur filter before being cropped to an inch square.

And instructions like: "remove the hole cover from the hole. Now push the hole through the hole. Put the hole cover back on". Several examples of this.

Some things are covered in one manual but not the other, such as how to change the direction of door swing.

Finally, no advance warning that you'll need a fairly specialist tool - a crimper for a hose clamp. I guess standard equipment if you've already kegged before, but for a newbie you'd be well advised to buy one first, and a very good adjustable wrench. For some reason, it came with a crappy wrench which seemed to fit nothing and was never referred to in the instructions.

All a bit odd. I understand why most people seem to go for the diy approach.

Ps I got two 19L kegs from Love Brewing. These apparently aren't reconditioned but manufactured new. It does look like it fits three of these kegs, one at the back and two at the front. Tight, but just. I understand that this won't work for most 19L corny kegs.

Edit: despite the very negative sounding first impressions review, it looks good, refrigerates quickly down to 2deg and I think its going to turn out to be a worthwhile investment. Seems odd that an on-the-ball marketing company like Bevie/MangroveJ have given it so little love.
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