Bri's Water Treatment 2021. (going to be messy! my 🧠is slow!)

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Jul 11, 2013
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Hi all.
been a few years since wor Steve and you lads n lasses, coached me through the epic task of understanding water treatment.
For all i continue in every brew day with the basics from steves thread (AMS,gypsum, PPM etc. etc.)
I feel to up my game, 'My own to go to' method, i'll print it out (as a 'Brian's guide) fools guide.
Where to start???????
Wor @foxbat has just help me about a possible answer of my water treatment, so i truly thank you m8.
With getting all you confused, i'll stop here waffling, please but in if yous dont understand me....ive got thick skin.

Reckon the first thing is my North Tyneside water report (Northumbrian Water)
TBH is like



as i said to @foxbat i dont know if i need an indepth report???
I'll leave it for now.
Please join in....(even ready for 😂😂😂 from @Clint & @Gerryjo and the likely lads what cheer my day.


And as always guys, keep safe.
Hi all.
been a few years since wor Steve and you lads n lasses, coached me through the epic task of understanding water treatment.
For all i continue in every brew day with the basics from steves thread (AMS,gypsum, PPM etc. etc.)
I feel to up my game, 'My own to go to' method, i'll print it out (as a 'Brian's guide) fools guide.
Where to start???????
Wor @foxbat has just help me about a possible answer of my water treatment, so i truly thank you m8.
With getting all you confused, i'll stop here waffling, please but in if yous dont understand me....ive got thick skin.

Reckon the first thing is my North Tyneside water report (Northumbrian Water)
TBH is like



as i said to @foxbat i dont know if i need an indepth report???
I'll leave it for now.
Please join in....(even ready for 😂😂😂 from @Clint & @Gerryjo and the likely lads what cheer my day.


And as always guys, keep safe.
Good to see you again Bri, hope you're keeping well :hat:
Thanks m8.
Im battling on m8, thx for asking.
Hope you n yours are safe?
After years of self isolation after my strokes...what happens the minute i venture out to socialize.......BOOOOOOOSH! lock down....ohh well i'm used to it. Billy no mates.
Morning all.
I must be not functioningashock1 goes out to move snow off the car....then half way...OMG i got bloody Crocks on 'Ridler pants' and dressing gown.:laugh8:aheadbutt
Mind not as if i'm stable normaly wearing 12" high heels on ice......(so they say;))

Anyhoo, nuff of my waffle.
A sad man i am! lying in bed waiting for my 'flat Pack' meds to kick in...then thought what has @strange-steve & the guys taught me from start to finish,
Campden tablets are always my first thing.
what brew i'm going to do.
hoppy IPA-how big litres-strike water-sparge water-is there grains like crystal (that will lower the pH etc)-alkalinity-calcium- what have i to lower the pH (lactic acid-AMS(CRS)-Gypsum and all the salts millarky.
For a pale beer - 20 ppm
Strike water i go for CRS
sparge (i gan for 30PPM)
Dont think ive used acid, or baking whatsiychops buy i got it in my stash.
If Steve can remember i just couldnt get my heed round the numbers volumes etc (see Asphasia in my signature)
Eventually with coaching i from @strange-steve & @MyQul (remember me n the bloody tiny scales??)






Reet...................bit unjointed,,but think you know where i'm getting it....
So i'll forget that rubbish water report and get my kits oot...if not gives me Evilbay buying....;);)asad.

Should be the next episode be a yous cant wait.......................:coat:
Thanks for battling with my waffle guys...
You've got the test kits, water report, CRS, and salts so you're most of the way there. Let us know the results from the Salifert tests thumb.
Alk (removing 60ppm-CRS)=0.32ml/1= 6.4ML
as i want at least 100ppm for a brew (Ca) i'll need 60ppm = 0.26g/l
equints to 5.2g in 20l strike water.

Alk i fathom oot boot 4.48ML Sparge 14l
Ca 3.64g.
it was fine when i started...but afternoon old mans kip needed as my lil 🧠 is🤕 info overload.
i'll crack with other things i need epsom salts for magnesium sodium etc..o_O
this is prob load of ****, as always got mysel in a pickle.

1litre done that....i used 0.32ml/l but the coulor confused was pink🧠😴😴😴😴😴
Bri (i was going good for a bit mind!)
I'm not an expert so maybe somebody else can help, but I have the one below. It's really good but the price has gone way up for some reason, I paid about £55 for it a few years ago and it's up to £90 now! I'm sure there's something a bit cheaper that would do the job.
I am also no expert, but I bought a Voltcraft PHT-02 ATC about a year ago for ~£45, and so far it has been good enough for measuring mash pH. . . . . . It's certainly a lot better than using indicator papers. However, the price now appears to be just over £50, and unfortunately it was out of stock when I had a look on ebay just now.
How you getting on with it Bri? It is a bit confusing when you start messing about with the water...
All I did the kit tests,get the other values off the water report...then use Strange Steve's calculator and the link to certain water profiles he suggested...
In my brew file I keep a list of my water profile and a list of the suggested profiles per beer type. As my brews are all 23 litre,the only values that really change is the mash in relation to the grain bill size. I leave the sparge the same.
It seems to work and makes things easier...give us a shout if you want to see my notes etc..
How you getting on with it Bri? It is a bit confusing when you start messing about with the water...
All I did the kit tests,get the other values off the water report...then use Strange Steve's calculator and the link to certain water profiles he suggested...
In my brew file I keep a list of my water profile and a list of the suggested profiles per beer type. As my brews are all 23 litre,the only values that really change is the mash in relation to the grain bill size. I leave the sparge the same.
It seems to work and makes things easier...give us a shout if you want to see my notes etc..
Thank pal...
I was going great til info overload that point all that I’ve done re-learnt goes Pete my brain switches off to protect over doing things same time what I learnt it gets mixed up in the corner of my shell and confusion and forget things...the crazy thing after a good kip...the memories come back sharpish...battered brain is a crazy thing to work out..
How can half of my brain die and 5 months lata slowly get memories back ‘re mapping somewhere else in the brain..
Anyhoo flat pack meds now so good nite to all..
safe one
Thx Clint...........05:30AM ffs cant get the auto alarm clock oot my heed.aheadbutt
Annyhoo the day started great....
Thought i'd tackle beersmith3 n the water profile.
How wrong was i.............half way through 🧠 went hay wire..
heres my progress ( @foxbat havent forgot your good work ref the help, and @Clint help we the water profile etc.)
Clint i fire my email...(if it not in my profile?) if you send your water report thingy to help me)
Here it is:
off to look at @foxbat help doonloading a app/program thingy.

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