HBF Home Brew Competition Schedule 2019

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Aug 12, 2015
Reaction score
Same rules as 2018. I know we have started this a bit late for this month but let's give it a go

January 2019 - American Pale Ales - Oneflewover

February 2019 - Dark Beers - Ajhutch

March 2019 - Freestyle - brewhaha

April 2019 - lager/kolsch/pseudo lager to include European and American styles - jceg316

May 2019 - American Pale Ales - Leon103

June 2019 - Dark Beers - uDicko

July 2019 - Freestyle - strange-steve

August 2019 - British Pale Ales, Bitters and Milds - jjsh

September 2019 - American Pale Ales - IainM

October 2019 - Dark Beers - Tim Hunt

November 2019 - lager/kolsch/pseudo lager to include European and American styles - MickDundee

December 2019 - British Pale Ales, Bitters and Milds - Zephyr259

Post in here if you would like to judge a month. Ideally we need someone for January asap
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I'd really like to judge a lager/kolsch/pseudo lager competition but there is no month for it. Would it be possible to take April as these categories seeing as British styles are also in Aug?
I agree, hence why I personally preferred the old style comp.

I will add 2 lager categories now
Thanks! I wanted to do a broad lager style as opposed to the old way we did it, which would have been more along the lines of a single category, but see you've made it broad which is a good idea.
I agree, hence why I personally preferred the old style comp.

I will add 2 lager categories now
I’ll definitey have something to enter in that - I’ve got a pseudo lager and a Kolsch on my schedule for the next couple of months.

Can I take the second judging slot for this please?
Inclusion of the lager categories is a greet idea.

I’ll judge February, would really like to taste some of the dark beers going around.
Who is editing the post?

Me, i assumed you would be blocked as there is a time limit on how long members can edit their threads, if you want anything changing and cannot do it yourself post it here. :thumba:
Participants All entries have to be submitted by the last day of the calendar month. This means all entries have to be with the judge on this date. Any which arrive after this date will not get included in the competition. Winners will be announced two weeks after or earlier on the Homebrew Forum. Participants must submit at least 2x330ml bottles (or similar size) or 1x500ml (or similar size) bottle. Each bottle must be labelled as below. If one bottle is submitted, it is up to the judge if they want to include the participant in the competition. Bottles must contain: The brewers name Forum alias Name of beer Style ABV% Its not necessary, but the participant may include any other information such as IBU, OG, FG etc. This will not score any extra points though. Participants can enter multiple beers per competition, however only one may compete for a winning position. This will be the beer with the highest score. Participants can only win up to three competitions in a row. If they win three competitions in a row, they may enter a fourth to get feedback on their beer, but cannot win. The fifth competition they are allowed to compete again. Any bottles sent in the post is at the participants risk. Any costs incurred from creating, posting or packaging the beer is the responsibility of the participant. Participants must have active accounts on http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/. The winner is at the discretion of the judge and their word is final. Winner will go down in the Homebrew Forum Hall of Fame. There may be sponsored prizes as well however this isn't guaranteed. Unless otherwise stated, recipes can be original work, from a recipe or a clone. Beers can be all grain, partial, extract or kit, unless otherwise stated. Winning beers may require their recipe submitted online. Recipes do not need to be submitted to the judge. There is no fee for entering the competition and no money should change hands between The Homebrew Forum, the judge, or any third party in relation to entering the competition. Any other notes which will help the judge make the most out of an entry may be included. This could be details on the right temperature to drink it at, the correct glass to pour it in etc. This will not score any extra points. Judges Beers must be judged within 2 weeks of the closing date. Every entry needs to have feedback provided. This should be constructive and positive. If an entry does not conform to these rules, it is up to the judge whether to include them in the competition. The judge should give feedback to as many participants as possible, even if they are disqualified from the competition. Any beers that arrive after the closing date cannot enter the competition. Judges can provide feedback if they wish, but cannot award a late entrant a prize. Artwork will not score extra points, unless specified in the competition beforehand. If a bottle is broken in the post, or on opening the bottle gushes, it is at the judges’ discretion whether to enter it into the competition. The named judge for that competition is responsible for judging and providing feedback. They can ask for help from friends or other forum members to taste all the beers, however its their responsibility ultimately that a winner is chosen and feedback is sent on time. Entrants must be judged fairly against the competition style for that month. Beers should be similar to the style of the month and its the judges discretion on a case by case basis whether the beer conforms. Judges must give a UK address to participants which can accept parcels before the judging month begins. This address will be given to participants. All feedback must be filled out on a supplied feedback form and sent back to the participant as a private message. Unless agreed previously, no feedback can be publically shared

Personally I will be judging against bcjp guidance. In the past I have found it better to score against it's style than against the other beers
I edited my earlier post -

Me, i assumed you would be blocked as there is a time limit on how long members can edit their threads, if you want anything changing and cannot do it yourself post it here.

Participants All entries have to be submitted by the last day of the calendar month. This means all entries have to be with the judge on this date. Any which arrive after this date will not get included in the competition. Winners will be announced two weeks after or earlier on the Homebrew Forum. Participants must submit at least 2x330ml bottles (or similar size) or 1x500ml (or similar size) bottle. Each bottle must be labelled as below. If one bottle is submitted, it is up to the judge if they want to include the participant in the competition. Bottles must contain: The brewers name Forum alias Name of beer Style ABV% Its not necessary, but the participant may include any other information such as IBU, OG, FG etc. This will not score any extra points though. Participants can enter multiple beers per competition, however only one may compete for a winning position. This will be the beer with the highest score. Participants can only win up to three competitions in a row. If they win three competitions in a row, they may enter a fourth to get feedback on their beer, but cannot win. The fifth competition they are allowed to compete again. Any bottles sent in the post is at the participants risk. Any costs incurred from creating, posting or packaging the beer is the responsibility of the participant. Participants must have active accounts on http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/. The winner is at the discretion of the judge and their word is final. Winner will go down in the Homebrew Forum Hall of Fame. There may be sponsored prizes as well however this isn't guaranteed. Unless otherwise stated, recipes can be original work, from a recipe or a clone. Beers can be all grain, partial, extract or kit, unless otherwise stated. Winning beers may require their recipe submitted online. Recipes do not need to be submitted to the judge. There is no fee for entering the competition and no money should change hands between The Homebrew Forum, the judge, or any third party in relation to entering the competition. Any other notes which will help the judge make the most out of an entry may be included. This could be details on the right temperature to drink it at, the correct glass to pour it in etc. This will not score any extra points. Judges Beers must be judged within 2 weeks of the closing date. Every entry needs to have feedback provided. This should be constructive and positive. If an entry does not conform to these rules, it is up to the judge whether to include them in the competition. The judge should give feedback to as many participants as possible, even if they are disqualified from the competition. Any beers that arrive after the closing date cannot enter the competition. Judges can provide feedback if they wish, but cannot award a late entrant a prize. Artwork will not score extra points, unless specified in the competition beforehand. If a bottle is broken in the post, or on opening the bottle gushes, it is at the judges’ discretion whether to enter it into the competition. The named judge for that competition is responsible for judging and providing feedback. They can ask for help from friends or other forum members to taste all the beers, however its their responsibility ultimately that a winner is chosen and feedback is sent on time. Entrants must be judged fairly against the competition style for that month. Beers should be similar to the style of the month and its the judges discretion on a case by case basis whether the beer conforms. Judges must give a UK address to participants which can accept parcels before the judging month begins. This address will be given to participants. All feedback must be filled out on a supplied feedback form and sent back to the participant as a private message. Unless agreed previously, no feedback can be publically shared

Personally I will be judging against bcjp guidance. In the past I have found it better to score against it's style than against the other beers
These rules were to help judges and participants from a range of experience with competitions, as well as make participating fair. I can't see anything in there which says the beers are judged against each other, but does say "Entrants must be judged fairly against the competition style for that month. Beers should be similar to the style of the month and its the judges discretion on a case by case basis whether the beer conforms."

I think it would be great if you could judge by BJCP guidelines if you can. However I didn't want to put this in the rules as not everyone knows about BJCP and it might put people off entering or offering to judge.
These rules were to help judges and participants from a range of experience with competitions, as well as make participating fair. I can't see anything in there which says the beers are judged against each other, but does say "Entrants must be judged fairly against the competition style for that month. Beers should be similar to the style of the month and its the judges discretion on a case by case basis whether the beer conforms."

I think it would be great if you could judge by BJCP guidelines if you can. However I didn't want to put this in the rules as not everyone knows about BJCP and it might put people off entering or offering to judge.

Hence why I said what I do and not actually put it under the rules.

When I judged the new style of beers I found it hard not to compare the beers against each other as there was no set scoring guide. When referring to bcjp I had a clear understanding of what was required for each beer I had in front of me. It made tasting fairer and entrants got worthy notes to develop further. People can judge how they wish
I'd be happy to Judge October - Dark Beers, never done any judging before but after joining the secret santa swap I'd like to get involved a bit more. plus it gives me some time to enter a few beers and see what and how others judge them on.