How would you use these ingredients?

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Apr 17, 2019
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I want to brew today but I forgot to order anything, lol.

Lets use what I've got, which is not much.

Base Malt: 5Kg Simpsons Extra Pale, 1Kg Crisp Pale Ale
Adjuncts: 0.7Kg Caramalt
Hops: Wilamette 50g
Hop Aroma Oils: Cascade, Citra, Nelson Suvin

Not a lot to play with there. I'm wondering, do I chuck the hops in near the start for more IBU or middle to end boil for more flavour? I can use the hop oils instead of dry hopping. Should I use the caramalt or eave it out?
I've always done a 1 hour boil... but I guess not much need if I do a 30min addition only.

Think some of those hop oils go better with Wilamette than others?
To make anything more than about 10-15 litres, you need more hops. Willamette are about 5% alpha acid so you'd get about 35 ibus with a decent boil. You've got enough malt to d0 30 litres at an OG around 1050.

I should add that I've no idea whether you can use hop aroma oils to add bitterness.
FYI I made it with a 30min boil, all hops at the start. Added 2mL of Cascade aroma hop oil when kegging. Conditioning now but tasted good after a few days :)

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