PilgrimHudds Brewdays

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Aug 16, 2016
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Thought i'd bring all my brewdays together in one thread.

Had a day off today and because Foxbats Mainline beer seems to have been the most popular amongst my friends, alongside GH's Paterbeir I thought I would brew it again.

Looking for somewhere between 17-20l for the FV and am still finding my way around my cygnet water boiler so using fag packet maths I used

300og Maris Otter
120g Caramalt
40g Chocolate Wheat
100g Crystal that I found at the bottom of the box and decided to get rid of.

Mashed in a 68c, brewed outside today and temp rapidly dropped so mashed at around 63-66c.

Ran into problems at this point as the thermometer gave up the ghost so took the grain out at the hour and boiled. Grain went into bottling bucket and sparged with 4l of approximately 70c water.

I misread the Hops so in went EKG 12g and Fuggles 8g for 60mins
EKG 12g at 10mins + 1/3 protofloc tab.
Fuggles 8g at 1 min.

In with the newly bought wort chiller and chilled to 28c (though i didn't know this till it went into the FV). Popped the top on and left it outside to chill down to 22.

OG 1046 so should have a bit more kick than my last one.

Pitched Danstar Nottingham at 22c.

All in all ok, getting used to the newish equipment. Wort tasted nice so hopefully will be as good as the last one!
What new equipment do you have - is it just the boiler? Or did you get a bigger brew kettle too?

(I notice you and @Nicks90 have started consolidating everything into one brew day thread - I suppose I should do the same too)
I bought a 23l cygnet water boiler last month but until this last brew ive had problems cooling down the wort after the boil. It's just little things like working out the boil off, dead space under tap, details like actually measurig the water i put in rather than using guesswork lol.

Yeah i saw nick did it and thought it was a nice idea.
Oh so you're using the new boiler for mashing and boiling then??? :confused:

If you don't already have an immersion chiller by the way, you can make one in about an hour and the parts are about £25 - makes a huge difference and well worth the time and cost athumb..
Let us know how you get on Nick.

So I bottled up the Mainline yesterday, an FG of 1010 gives it a slightly more pokey 4.7%. I had been putting sugar cubes in each bottle previously but went back to 50g of Demerara sugar boiled in 200mls water for this one. Bottles washed dried and sprayed with StarSan.

Not enough room under the stairs with my honey ale and english IPA in there so up into the little ones walk in wardrobe they went.

Sure the measurements aren't accurate on the side of the fermenter, said that I had 17l in there but I only got 29 x 500ml bottles, thats ok though.
Early start at work today so got off an hour early which though tight gave me just enough time to get a brew on and in the fv before the kiddies bed time.

Back to stalking @foxbat I was going to do another of his Outback ale but liked the look of the Outback IPA so had a crack at it with a little modification to fit what I had.

Struggling to get 23l in the fv so have given up and going for 17l, yes i know its a random number but it seems to be what im getting at the moment whatever i do so im going with it.

2300g pale marris otter
600g munich malt
150g torrified wheat

Mash in at 70, steep at 65, temp was relatively stable with the boiler set at 2.

Bag out after an hour, to the boil.

Hallertau 9g at 60.

Citra 11g at 10
Nelson sauvin 11g at 10
Simcoe 11g at 10
Protofloc at 10.

Nelson 11g
Simcoe 11g
Citra 11g all at 1min.

Cooled it down quick today, pitched safale US-05 . Just under 17l in the FV.

OG 1042 so 4/5 points under.

Glad to get this one done, i have a few on the list, next one is james mortons clansman again and then GH's winter ale which will sit in the garage till xmas. And then An Ankou's red IPA so a busy few weeks on the way!
So.... feeling like death today thanks to a nursery acquired cold I decided against going for the 50 mile cycle I had planned and decided instead to brew some beer!

The next on my list to do a Clansman's ale from 'Brew' by James Morton.

Going for 17l in the FV.

6kg Maris Otter
500 Dark Crystal
100 Flaked Barley

Mash in at 70c steep at around the 65c mark.

Cold water dunk sparged with 7l of water.

40g EKG at 60mins
Protofloc at 15 mins
20g crushed coriander at 5 mins

Ended up with nearer 20l in the FV, somehow I didn't get so much boil off this time.

OG down on what it should be at 1066.

Cooled and WLP028 Edinburgh Scottish Ale yeast pitched at 22c.

Overall a good day, as I said ended up down on the OG but I ended up with more wort than i anticipated, should still end up at around 7.5%.
So after 48 hours and not a bubble in sight (yes i know this doesn't necessarily mean that no fermentation is happening) I thought i'd open up the top and not even the slightest sign of anything happening... So i chucked in a packet of US-05 about 5 hours ago and the bubbler is going like the clappers. Hopefully the extended wait hasn't allowed in any nasties. And also, lesson learnt make a starter next time.
Righto, bottled up my Outback IPA just now, 27 x 500 ml bottles.

70g of sugar boiled and added to bottling bucket, would like this one with a bit of fizz.

An FG of 1010 which gives me an abv of 4.4% which is less than expected but fine for me. Had a cheeky glass and it tastes lovely, the citra really comes through.
Sounds good - do you reckon you'll have the patience to leave this one for 4 weeks until drinking?;) Speaking of which, did your oatmeal stout benefit from a bit longer in the bottle?
Sounds good - do you reckon you'll have the patience to leave this one for 4 weeks until drinking?;) Speaking of which, did your oatmeal stout benefit from a bit longer in the bottle?

I shall have a cheeky one at 3 weeks i reckon, will probably be quite nice 'young'.

The stout has improved, I couldn't put my finger on what has improved it, it just has...
Saw an opportunity and took it this morning. GH's xmas ale which will hide in the garage for the next 6 months.

Had a mare with the styrian hops that I should have used later in the boil, as I took the packet out of the freezer I tipped it upside down and dropped almost the whole lot on the floor in the garage, no way I was picking that up so in a rush looked through the freezer for a substitute, mentioned in my 'yeast help' thread. At first I didn't see the Fuggles which I think would have been the closest substitute. I was going to go with Challenger and then Saaz at flameout and then spotted the Fuggles in the bottom of the box!

Going for 17l in the FV again.

3.5kg Maris Otter
400g Biscuit
280g CaraMunich 1
240g Dark Crystal
80g Carafa special 1
80g Torrified Wheat

In at 70c mashed at 65ish. Boiling for 70mins.

18g Challenger & Styrian 10g @ 60

18g Challenger @15
Protofloc tab @15

8g Star Anise @10
1 teaspoonNutmeg
1 Cinnamon Stick

400g Candied sugar @5 mins

18g Fuggles @Flameout

Cooled and Wyeast 1028 London Ale pitched at 22c (starter this time)

Hit the OG dead on at 1063, IBU 26.8.

Wort tasted sweet, really sweet with a hint of nutmeg.

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