An allotment neighbour has given me some hops, which he thinks are Goldings. I've dried them and am planning to use them in my next brew with either US05 or Nottingham yeast. I'm going to aim for three batches: one plain and two with fruit puree in, one of which will be blackberries and the other either plums or apples. The fruit is in the freezer at the moment, but I'm going to cook it down to a pulp and then add it to the brew after four days of fermentation. I'll follow the recipe at the end of this message.
I am a stove-top brewer, making 16-19-pint batches. What do you reckon?
Thanks in advance.
2500g Maris Otter
50g Crystal Malt
Mash 60 minutes at 66°C with 8 litres of water.
Sparge 20 minutes with 8 5 litres for water
Boil 60 minutes with the following hop additions
15g Goldings at start
10g Goldings at 30 minutes
Protofloc tablet (½) at 15 minutes
35g Goldings at end
I am a stove-top brewer, making 16-19-pint batches. What do you reckon?
Thanks in advance.
2500g Maris Otter
50g Crystal Malt
Mash 60 minutes at 66°C with 8 litres of water.
Sparge 20 minutes with 8 5 litres for water
Boil 60 minutes with the following hop additions
15g Goldings at start
10g Goldings at 30 minutes
Protofloc tablet (½) at 15 minutes
35g Goldings at end