VOSSY1 Forum Brew (from Round .1.)

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Jul 27, 2008
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A long long time ago............well November 2008....Vossy sent me a beer, it was from the first forum brew, i'm sorry to say that until a couple of days ago I had forgotten that it (and others were tucked at the back of a cupoard in the garage)

They were put in the beer fridge and tonight i've opened Vossy's forum brew from round 1

Here are my thoughts

A good amount of carbonation - not overly though which may have been the case as it's been bottled so long, it had a nice strong hiss when opened but didn't escape the bottle.

Poured with a nice head, nicely packed bubbles which have lasted down the glass till the end.


Colour - golden brown.

It's a very 'light' tasting beer and has some caramel / toffee flavour, but just a hint there is quite an earthy flavour to the beer which may be coming from the hops? I can't pick out which hops have been used but i'm sure that there is something that gives an orangy type flavour :wha: (I'm crap at this! :lol: )

Anyway from November till May thats the longest i've kept a beer!

Cheers Vossy - I enjoyed that :cheers:

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