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jeremy Hall
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    • jeremy Hall
      jeremy Hall reacted to MikeTaylor's post in the thread Removing alcohol from beer with Like Like.
      Thank you, all, for many helpful suggestions.
    • jeremy Hall
      jeremy Hall replied to the thread Removing alcohol from beer.
      I would be tempted to cut down, maybe to 800g then 600g just to see how it turns out. I prefer small steps.
    • jeremy Hall
      I use the dregs of the fermentator in beer traps. Plus any testers or the occasional beer which doesn't taste right. I have ten traps...
    • jeremy Hall
      jeremy Hall replied to the thread What did you brew today?.
      Just bottled a Simply Pale Ale. Brewed with a kilo of brewing sugar and 250 grams Demerara. Put on a Simply bitter, with 1 kilo brewing...
    • jeremy Hall
      jeremy Hall reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Newbie with Like Like.
      Tbh kegging is a separate skillset and can be a right pain in the ass. Plastic self primed / co2 cartridge is also the tougher end of...
    • jeremy Hall
      jeremy Hall replied to the thread Newbie.
      I do similar to you, but I sugar the bottles individually. I have had a few flat bottles. Not a lot, maybe one in five. I'm not sure...
    • jeremy Hall
      jeremy Hall replied to the thread What are you drinking 2024..
      Tried my "Simply" lager today. Only been in the bottle 5 days, so I was just tasting to check it, and planning to put the rest in snail...
    • jeremy Hall
      jeremy Hall reacted to sifty's post in the thread Glass or Plastic for Bottling with Like Like.
      I usually bottle 2-3 PETs to check carbonation. I've compared squeezed ones to normally capped ones. No appreciable difference apart...
    • jeremy Hall
      jeremy Hall replied to the thread Obtaining bottles.
      I was always told never to put soap anywhere near a homebrew bottle as it can affect the head. I only use steriliser. Not sure how true...
    • jeremy Hall
      jeremy Hall replied to the thread Brown ale.
      I put on a simply lager just this Saturday gone and it was bubbling by Sunday. Bubbling away nicely now. In the conservatory, temp...
    • jeremy Hall
      jeremy Hall replied to the thread What did you brew today?.
      I've been out of beer for three months now. Surviving on cheap Lidl beer, which at £1.15 isn't that bad, considering you get a nice free...
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