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      thehitch replied to the thread General election.
      Before you read the below, please note that I am talking in electoral and general terms - none of this is aimed at individuals! This is...
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      thehitch reacted to Brew_DD2's post in the thread General election with Like Like.
      Oratory alone does not a good leader make. Farage is a grifter. I wonder how he'll fare as a constituency MP.
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      thehitch replied to the thread General election.
      Yep, very naive of the LDs to accept the worst possible PR approach in return for their support for tuition fee increases. I would like...
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      thehitch replied to the thread General election.
      That happened in 2010, and the country was given a referendum on changing the voting system to make it more possible in the future...
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      thehitch reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread General election with Like Like.
      No, I said that "hundreds of thousands of people follow him and think spreading hatred and division is acceptable". I didn't say you...
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      thehitch reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread General election with Like Like.
      Once again, I've not said anything directly about you. athumb..
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      thehitch reacted to Agentgonzo's post in the thread General election with Like Like.
      No. We're not laughing. We're crying in desperation that such a deliberately antagonistic hatemonger can be given such a loud...
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      thehitch reacted to Northern_Brewer's post in the thread General election with Like Like.
      Actually they have set a date for net zero, albeit 2060, and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism allows the EU, at least, to penalise...
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      thehitch replied to the thread General election.
      PCP deals and the like dictate a 3 or 4 year cycle for new purchases. Many people don't keep the car long enough for there to be a...
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      thehitch replied to the thread General election.
      This might sound old-fashioned, but the best car for the environment (and one that doesn't involve having components built in or using...
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      Afternoon all, I brewed a low-ABV (2.8%) elderflower ale this time last year. I found it tasty but a bit thin, so was wondering if...
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      thehitch replied to the thread Dry hop?.
      I'm a great fan of Challenger, but it doesn't add much to the nose - dry hop if you want a hoppier aroma, but I often use the...
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      I used to use a small wooden table to put the Brewzilla on - turns out that the legs were too close to the middle to bear the weight of...
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      I've used the same approach as @stripeyjoe mentioned, mainly to get a head start on a double brew-day. I ran to mash out and then...
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      thehitch replied to the thread What did you brew today?.
      A kveik golden ale with Challenger, Goldings, Styrian Bobek and dry-hopped with Citra and Mandarina Bavaria. I've turned it up to 38ºC...
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