Donald Trump

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Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
Donald Trump refuses to answer questions in New York investigation


Mr Trump arrived at the New York attorney general's office on Wednesday.
State officials accuse the Trump Organization of misleading authorities about the value of its assets in order to get favourable loans and tax breaks.
Mr Trump denies wrongdoing and has described the civil investigation as a witch-hunt.
An hour after he was pictured arriving at the Manhattan office where he was questioned under oath, Mr Trump released a statement in which he criticised New York Attorney General Letitia James and the broader investigation.
"Years of work and tens of millions of dollars have been spent on this long simmering saga, and to no avail," he said. "I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution."
His deposition comes just days after the FBI executed an unprecedented search warrant at his Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, as part of a separate investigation that is reportedly linked to his handling of classified material.

While the attorney general's investigation is a civil one, a parallel investigation is being carried out by the Manhattan District Attorney's office which could result in criminal charges.
Legal analysts suggest Mr Trump may have declined to answer questions on Wednesday because his answers could have been used against him in that criminal investigation. The former president invoked the Fifth Amendment, which protects people from being compelled to be a witness against themselves in a criminal case.
Ms James's office have said that the depositions - a legal term that means testimony not given in court - were among the last remaining investigative procedures left to be carried out.
Once the investigation concludes, the attorney general could then decide to bring a lawsuit seeking financial penalties against Mr Trump or his company.

The attorney general had sought Mr Trump's deposition - and that of two of his children, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr - for more than six months while the family resisted subpoenas through the New York court system.
Lawyers for Mr Trump had also attempted to sue Ms James in a bid to prevent her from questioning the former president and his children.
But in February, a New York Supreme Court judge ruled that all three must all sit for depositions. Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr were questioned earlier this month.
The judge said the investigation had uncovered "copious evidence of possible financial fraud" giving the attorney general a "clear right" to question under oath the former president and two of his children involved in the business.
Ms James hailed the judge's decision as a victory, saying that "justice has prevailed".
The investigation, which was first opened in 2019, seeks to prove that Mr Trump and the Trump Organization misrepresented the value of assets in order to obtain favourable loans and tax breaks. The alleged fraud is said to have taken place before Mr Trump took office.
At the Conservative Political Action Conference in Texas on Saturday, former President Donald Trump dropped another tease that he will soon announce he is running for president in 2024. “We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again,” he told the CPAC audience. “I ran twice, I won twice ... and we may have to do it again.”

Don’t doubt that he will.

The FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida, on Monday seems like it would put the brakes on the former president’s political ambitions. But if anything, dramatic actions against him by the Justice Department, in this case tied to classified information Trump allegedly took with him from the White House, according to an NBC source familiar with what happened, is only likely to grease those ambitions further. Trump’s denial of the outcome of the 2020 election before his CPAC fans indicates he doesn’t feel bound by any legal reality — and, in fact, being the subject of a criminal investigation could even fuel his campaign.

Trump may believe that an indictment could help his political profile, promoting his longtime campaign theme of being an aggrieved martyr. Already he’s been able to raise tremendous sums based on telling his core supporters there’s an election conspiracy that denied him re-election; actual proof of criminal targeting under the Biden administration could be catnip to these followers.

Even if Trump were convicted before the 2024 election, it wouldn’t likely be much before. He would almost surely be out on bail, still running for the presidency and claiming that the verdict would be reversed on appeal. As of late July, Trump remained the leading choice for the Republican presidential nomination, with about 50% support, according to the RealClearPolitics poll average and almost every individual poll that shows him with massive double-digit leads over his closest competitor.

Indeed, despite some naysayers, all signs still point to a Trump run. We ignore them at our peril — doing so means losing precious time both reminding Americans of the “clear and present danger” to our Constitution that he poses and preparing for how best to defeat him.

First among those arguing Trump won’t run again was Michael Cohen. Trump’s former lawyer — who knows the man as well as anyone — said in November: “His fragile ego cannot stand to be considered a two-time loser.” Cohen’s observation seemed sensible then. And since then, polls and focus groups have shown that at least some Republican voters may be tiring of Trump, so there’s some risk he could lose the Republican nomination before he even gets to November 2024.

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He shouldn't set foot anywhere again, by rights. But we'll see what the courts have to say.

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