Lockdown......Bri's bit n Bobs Brewing.

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Jul 11, 2013
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Hi guys n girls,
I'll not sprout on how i'm doing...…………..if i'm typing this i'm ok for now lol!
Sorry be mostly Vids from channel..by the time I brewed I was fragged for a day or two lol.
so if your interested i'll give a playlist.
Still **** at making them lol...still do stupid mistakes...but its Brian you know the crack lol.
In fact couldn't fathom oot what the heck i'm doing

Hope this ok????
if not whip me in a nettle patch naked...


Nice demo of a blow off tube in action Bri thumb

Did you put too much water in the beer bottle in the first part of the video where its coming out of the top?

I will use the video in the blow off tube how to guide i know you wont mind. ;)
Nice to see you Bri!
Keep safe fella...

Thanks pal.
More importantly how are you n the family m8?
Was trying to get over to my good pals place at Ryl way.....but the week I was the Dr. rung me Brian your a vulnerable person, so you have lockdown.
Been doing lockdown for 5.5 years now so no difference lol.
tinkering on a small batch (10l) of lager/pilsner...well thinking about it, you know me my mind goes off on a tangent.
Beautiful sunny Sunday so might get in the garden n see how my Prize winning nettles are....maybe cut the grass :-(
Lata m8.
Just watched your bread making video and was funny as I made my first loaf last night and it was a hit with the family and shall try another today.
Must say you're a dark horse with many talents though still see the Magpie with the Shiny shiny bits for brewing 😜😜
haha!! hallow my ol pal.
Just messaging you on the channel.....why you haven't subscibed hahaha!!!
Mind got one new member this morn...chuffed to bits.
Aye bread was a shock that I can actually make something right the first time haha!! took me 40 years to get a megalogue pint lol.
Im back m8..good days n bad ones just like everyone I reckon.
The grim reaper tried but I beat him with my 'benefit stick!'
PM you tommow m8.
haha!! hallow my ol pal.
Just messaging you on the channel.....why you haven't subscibed hahaha!!!
Mind got one new member this morn...chuffed to bits.
Aye bread was a shock that I can actually make something right the first time haha!! took me 40 years to get a megalogue pint lol.
Im back m8..good days n bad ones just like everyone I reckon.
The grim reaper tried but I beat him with my 'benefit stick!'
PM you tommow m8.
Look forward to hearing from you as always...
Hi all,
Well the brew looking at the after thought milarlky lol slowed down...I ramped you a few degrees and if I get my bit into gear I’ll take a SG reading to see how we’re at. If it’s stable for 3 reading (daily as you do!) I’ll look at cold crashing.....then bottling.
On a seperste subject that obv got it own thread (name n shame shops or best h’brew shop I’ve found) my go to was MM (unless they having got in stock)
But I won’t name (in this climate even for a bloke like me that’s haven’t got a decent brain that would be stupid know what I mean)
All I say I put an order 2nd of this month...days n days go by.
So ok the most be under manned blah blah blah.
Three emails nothing..ring everyday..nothing and the voice mate practilly said we won’t answer and won’t leave a message..
How whey!!! I get it..but what can you do (apart from wait 😤)
So alll I could do is grow PayPal even then nothing.
Low and behold 3 weeks and two days later a email saying my order is ready to delivered...hmmmm! Okkkk!
4 days later it arrived and they got a nerve on the invoice RECOMMEND A FRIEND!!! hahahaha!! A joke...
Needed help on this one, so found a brew shop up in Scotland that were totally customer friendly . 1.5 days after boosshhh it came..
Just goes to show small company that want to survive they’ll 101% effort in...
Has anyone got the same experience?? (We’ll know company’s Vs small) ????
Anyways canny novel today guys n girls obv I had a good kip and my meds are working lol.
Should be pic(s) of the sg reading so far.
Hope your all safe, and not stir crazy?
Should have the lager kit soon ;-)
What you think?
Brain not too good with numbers as you know lol


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Before I forget.
Brew size (FV)- 24.5l
Fermentation started-24/04/20
SG 1.055
Atm sg est. 1.012.

massive trub...taste so far lush!! No off tastes..
No dry hop.
Haven took a reading as the beast is still going strong..as I administer my final happy pils just hearing a plot plot for the fv chamber...lol
Nite all safe one
Catch you are in the morn...
Hi all,
Well the brew looking at the after thought milarlky lol slowed down...I ramped you a few degrees and if I get my bit into gear I’ll take a SG reading to see how we’re at. If it’s stable for 3 reading (daily as you do!) I’ll look at cold crashing.....then bottling.
On a seperste subject that obv got it own thread (name n shame shops or best h’brew shop I’ve found) my go to was MM (unless they having got in stock)
But I won’t name (in this climate even for a bloke like me that’s haven’t got a decent brain that would be stupid know what I mean)
All I say I put an order 2nd of this month...days n days go by.
So ok the most be under manned blah blah blah.
Three emails nothing..ring everyday..nothing and the voice mate practilly said we won’t answer and won’t leave a message..
How whey!!! I get it..but what can you do (apart from wait 😤)
So alll I could do is grow PayPal even then nothing.
Low and behold 3 weeks and two days later a email saying my order is ready to delivered...hmmmm! Okkkk!
4 days later it arrived and they got a nerve on the invoice RECOMMEND A FRIEND!!! hahahaha!! A joke...
Needed help on this one, so found a brew shop up in Scotland that were totally customer friendly . 1.5 days after boosshhh it came..
Just goes to show small company that want to survive they’ll 101% effort in...
Has anyone got the same experience?? (We’ll know company’s Vs small) ????
Anyways canny novel today guys n girls obv I had a good kip and my meds are working lol.
Should be pic(s) of the sg reading so far.
Hope your all safe, and not stir crazy?
Should have the lager kit soon ;-)

Demand as grown so much in the last month or so plus all the measure the companies need to put in place to protect the staff. You don't know if staff have been taken ill or their families. Give them a bit of a break. No doubt before this all happened you had no problem with the company.
Mate we’ll aware of all this Rona millarky and we’ll are they saying the manning uses due to it..hence I stated that a company doesn’t matter how big or small they are my point was lack of coms purely that....zero contact but at least the emailed 3.2 weeks later and 4 days later the order arrived.
What if I was trying to cancel my order as I was.
Look at the new company 1.5 day from ordering to to my home.
I know (even if my brain doesn’t work well) that we’re always going to come up with similar problems in this climate we’re living in.
Think giving then 3.2 week break was fare 🤔😉
As far a using the company first time but the reviews (back then was really bad coms. Delivery times etc) ok in highsight the feedback giving from buyers might of help me (if it’s bad then reckon it’s going to twice as bad now)
Hey ho! Took the gamble eventually got the order.
Crazy old world we’re in.
Hope you and your are safe n sound mate.
My latest order from the new company was ordered a day m half ago...text and email delivering 14:00hrs
Can’t be bad all they up top Scotland lol
Demand is a tricky thing for for all of us...look at the NEWS HOBBY’s’ sprung up!!
lol I tried to buy simple flour for making bread, shelves empty lol
Cooking and baking let alone DIY gardening projects has increased.
Thx bud for your reply, nice to hear from u.
Hi all.
A week today and the activity has stopped, I’ll test it for 3 days before I venture on cold crashing.
chuffed I didn’tdry hop tbh.
Hope you all ok, and weathering the storm so to speak.
Tests incoming.

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