Anyone watch Panorama on Euro 2012 tonight?

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May 17, 2012
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I honestly can't believe that the Ukraine have been chosen as hosts for Euro 2012. The racism that goes on there is absolutely ridiculous, people are entitled to their views (regardless of how far left they are) but to act out in violence based on the colour of someones skin is just ridiculous.

Disgusting behaviour, I almost started to think that sort of behaviour was in the past. A civilised population? You're having a laugh.

If, like myself, you didn't have a clue just how bad things are over there you should check out the Panorama expose that was just shown on BBC 1. It'll no doubt be a fairly popular show on iPlayer.
Just watched it. Hope anyone who is planning on going gets back in one piece. But I agree I can't believe they were awarded the tournament, as I am sure this activity hasn't just started. Disgusting is the only word I can think of.
ScottM said:
A civilised population? You're having a laugh.

Yes it is. Have you ever been to Ukraine? I have several times (Crimea is one of the most beautiful parts of the world), it has own problems, but what country doesn't have problems these days?

C'mon you are from Glasgow! ;)
We haven't got a look in bud, seriously. I know all cities/countries have their problems but the governments and the police states at least TRY to make an influence for the better.

Seriously, take 20 mins and have a quick look at the expo. It lasts an hour but even just giving it the 20 mins will really open your eyes. The racist hate and intolerance is ridiculous, I wouldn't fancy my chances being over there and anything other than white.
Racism? What racism. They were all just pointing in unison at the fans!
crofty83 said:
Racism? What racism. They were all just pointing in unison at the fans!

That was a belter eh. I can't believe how insulting that guy was to insinuate that people would swallow that load of tosh. Did you see the security guy/copper 20 seconds after that statement with the Hitler tash? Had me in stitches.

It's almost as if there is a tolerance towards it all from the powers that be, but when questioned by outsiders it's all brushed off.
ScottM said:
... but the governments and the police states at least TRY to make an influence for the better.

So you know very little about Ukraine politics ;). Main oposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko was jailed for 8 years. There is nothing left after orange revolution of 2004.

on the other hand you have organization like
mate here in Britain there are 1 or 2 nutters but none are allowed to hold power unlike a vast majority of the eastern block , they are 30 or 40 years behind us here are far as racism goes but even 30 or 40 years ago the police and such like would not stand by and let that sort of thing go on :nono: :nono: i for 1 think it should remain in the true euro , since when was the ukraine europe ? Nope we should keep the fine game of football in friendly countries only where there are stable goverments with rights for citizens and i don't care where just not violent places
arkadiuszmakarenko said:
ScottM said:
... but the governments and the police states at least TRY to make an influence for the better.

So you know very little about Ukraine politics ;). Main oposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko was jailed for 8 years. There is nothing left after orange revolution of 2004.

on the other hand you have organization like

Gotta love gratuitous nudity.

However, back to the original point. You really need to watch the show to have an idea of where I am coming from. A group of Asian guys got assaulted and the police wouldn't even escort them off the premises to make sure they got out OK. They were given a couple of cotton buds to stop the bleeding on their faces and sent straight back out the door they had to run in for fear of imminent death. They were on the home support side in the family section and were spotted from across the stadium where the assualt on them was clearly planned as they were trapped in from both sides. This is just the tip of the iceberg though, the more worrying developments are of the extreme groups who are organising and training in hand to hand combat, as well as knife combat, in preperation for Euro 2012.

have you watched it yet?
ScottM said:
have you watched it yet?

I haven't I watched parts about Poland, and I had to go back and study. It is still not available in iPlayer.

I am aware of this kind of problems in Ukraine and Poland, but it is simply not fair to judge whole country and nation based one one TV program.
arkadiuszmakarenko said:
ScottM said:
have you watched it yet?

I haven't I watched parts about Poland, and I had to go back and study. It is still not available in iPlayer.

I am aware of this kind of problems in Ukraine and Poland, but it is simply not fair to judge whole country and nation based one one TV program.

I'm not meaning to sound like I'm judging the whole country. Obviously the few ruin it for the majority, but it is a much larger issue than I ever thought it would be and it's certainly not just a SMALL minority. The biggest issue is the fact that organisations are training in preperation for Euro 2012, the racism that is clearly seen to be going on is being completely denied by officials when it's completely blatant. The police aren't interested as it's just the status quo, the governments seem to be putting up posters but not doing much else etc. The latter part leads me to believe that it's a problem at the root of the country rather than just on the external with a few mindless thugs, as the person speaking seemed to be in complete denial over what was staring him right in the face.

As was said by another member, this apparent type of thinking is decades behind the UK civilisation and structure (my best reference) but from what I have seen of Europe over the years it is pretty much on the same level, as the UK, across the board for the main countries. The population in the Ukrain and Poland should be working along side the police and government to get something done about it and root out the issue. Pleading ignorance is just that, ignorant to the problem. Saying "it's not racist" while watching a video of 1000+ people doing a nazi salute while saying "they are actually just pointing to the away fans" is just ludicrous.

These are major issues when you think of the multi-cultural Europeans who will be making their way there to enjoy some football, some scenery and some atmosphere. A lot of people will have no idea what they are letting themselves in for.
You think this is bad :roll:
The 2022 World Cup in Qatar ... if your Gay dont go ... if you drink dont go .
Google the rules on what you can and cant do .
So if your a **** head Gay person say away .
I think they choose these countries to wind footy fans up .
DaveMack said:
You think this is bad :roll:
The 2022 World Cup in Qatar ... if your Gay dont go ... if you drink dont go .
Google the rules on what you can and cant do .
So if your a **** head Gay person say away .
I think they choose these countries to wind footy fans up .

Yeah I remember catching the jist of that one when it was announced. I don't understand how they can have these intollerant nations representing the world on the football stage, it just doesn't make any sense.

I can only hope/assume there is a "relax"ed ruling in there somewhere... geddit, geddit? :D
I'll be honest and say that I have serious doubts as to the impartiality of the research and reporting on Panorama . . . . it used to be a fantastic serious in depth analysis of issues but for the last 20 years it has gradually fallen to the usual sensationalistic tendencies of all sources of journalism in the world today . . . . I'd probably put it on a par with al jazerrah

I've been a member of an organisation that was totally rubbished by panorama sensationalist hype, so tend to take what is reported with a pinch of salt.

I do agree however that racism in any form is totally unacceptable, here or abroad
Yes... could you look at map showed at about 2nd minute of this program, and compare it with real map of Europe... I didn't know that Poland has border with Austria... ;)
Aleman said:
I've been a member of an organisation that was totally rubbished by panorama sensationalist hype, so tend to take what is reported with a pinch of salt.

Thought you were okay to sacrifice goats now :whistle:

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