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Female Brewer
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
After ages off, (10 months?) , been so busy!, I finally decided to brew again.

I've been lurking on this forum when I can (not during lunch anymore, since 'alcohol' websites are banned at work, which also makes it hard for me to buy ingredients at lunch break ,but never mind) and catching up on the latest gear. Hope everyone has made some nice beer lately!

Hubby went to a classic car show, leaving the house to me.

Sunday, at 10 am, pulled the Grandfather down and gave it all the cleaning cycle again. I put it away clean, but it's been collecting dust in the storeroom, so thought it would be prudent to clean it all.

Then started around 11 am and everything went well. Sparging went really well and I was really pleased (Thanks Edinburgh Home-brew store for a really good mill on the grain!). Hit my O.G. spot on, got volume of liquid too I was hoping for too. Didn't have any gear issues. Yay!

Made a starter earlier in the week. I was getting lax on making starters, and I know it's expensive as all get out, but I actually used the 'Proper Starter' from the Malt Miller. I tell you why: Because I am so busy during the week and I cannot stand DME. I loathe the stickiness and powdery residue it leaves. So I just haven't made starters. But this was so easy and I got some happy little yeasts. I hope it comes down in price, but honestly, brewing for me isn't about the cost, so it's worth it to me. I may try and find a pressure canner sometime so I can try and do it myself, but still, this was great. I pitched the yeast at 6pm last night and it was already bubbling away at 6am when I got up this morning (and previous brews have taken a few days to get going, and haven't tasted nice, proving to me I need a starter).

I'm controlling temp with the brew bucket, sitting in a bucket of water, with via an aquarium heater and a controller wired up to a temperature probe. Looking spot at 19.2C every time I look, so working well at the moment. I keep sending hubby out at lunchtime (he works in town and I don't) to look for second hand fridges but nothing has been suitable at the moment. My previous fridge was free, but it had a freezer space in it, and I just couldn't get the space for the brew bucket.

So hopefully a nice pale ale at the end of this.
I've been lurking on this forum when I can (not during lunch anymore, since 'alcohol' websites are banned at work)

You should hand in your resignation immediately. :laugh8:
You could also hold back some wort from your brew and stick it in the freezer till next time or just collect some yeast cake and store in the fridge for a while and make a starter with this as it will last a right while..
(not during lunch anymore, since 'alcohol' websites are banned at work, which also makes it hard for me to buy ingredients at lunch break ,but never mind)
Are you paid for your lunch break? If not, then you're not at work, provided you use your smartphone or tablet and go off premises. Neither are we an alcohol-based website- we're a craft-based forum: sure alcohol is a by-product, but the same can be said of baking bread!
We don't do this for the alcohol, do we, lads and lasses? We do it for the camaraderie and the science and the sheer love of life.
Can't believe you leave your grandfather in the store room
Lol, hahah, :hat:

Are you paid for your lunch break? If not, then you're not at work, provided you use your smartphone or tablet and go off premises. Neither are we an alcohol-based website- we're a craft-based forum: sure alcohol is a by-product, but the same can be said of baking bread!
We don't do this for the alcohol, do we, lads and lasses? We do it for the camaraderie and the science and the sheer love of life.

I am in total agreement! acheers. I can access the forum on my phone, but it's a bit harder to read on the smaller screen. But I do have a wee peek here and there
I can access the forum on my phone, but it's a bit harder to read on the smaller screen. But I do have a wee peek here and there

Give Opera browser a try, it has text wrap so the more you scroll the text automatically fits the screen and if you set it to desktop in the settings its just like the PC/laptop version.