Back sweetening and then bottle priming

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New Member
Aug 30, 2016
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I had a go at making an Apple and Guava turbo cider a couple of months back. It tasted terrible at the 1st taste test so I tipped a litre out and topped it up with another litre of apple juice and a cup of sugar. I've let it ferement out again and left it a month and it has improved greatly, although I think it would be best to have it as a medium sweet (its currently at .996 if i remember right). And a friend has asked me to try a few bottles with a little fizz

How much does priming sweeten the taste or would my best option be to add something like truvia/splenda to a near taste whilst in the demijohn leave for a bit then carry on and bottle prime with say 1/2 teaspoon of sugar just to get that bit of fizz?

I always siphon to bottle, then add 1tsp of splenda, 1 tsp of granulated sugar and cap.
Keep in a warm place for a week then put somewhere cool/cold and leave for a month or so.
I've done exactly this today with a dj of cider I had left over after the mammoth 730 ltr pressing.
This will just be a tester to see what needs altering.
As above. If you add sugar and bottle it will only ferment out and dry again. Splenda will keep the sweetness going.