Bulldog - Four Finger Jack sugar amount to use?

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Junior Member
Apr 3, 2016
Reaction score
Morley, Leeds
I've got the Bulldog four finger jack craft beer kit and there's no priming sugar included although the instructions say to add some.

Have they left it out due to personal preference or does it not entirely require sugar adding?

Does anyone know how much sugar I would need? I've done the Youngs APA kit before so could use the same amount of PS that the Youngs guide called for?
Ok thanks for that. Last time I did a kit I siphoned my brew into a new fv, added the sugar and stirred then siphoned out into bottles - is that a good way to do it?

I've heard of other people using a funnel on each bottle with sugar divided but that sounds like it would take ages for 40 or so 500ml bottles!
You can add a bit of sugar to each bottle, but, as you say that would take ages. And be a bit of a pain in the ****.

The way I do it is to dissolve the sugar in boiling water, then add it to the bottling bucket once it's cooled. Then siphon the beer into the bottling bucket and it mixes itself together so you don't even need to stir it. I have done it the same way as you before with the same results. Whatever works best for you is the right way to do it.
I've heard of other people using a funnel on each bottle with sugar divided but that sounds like it would take ages for 40 or so 500ml bottles!
That's how I do it, doesn't take long since I've got all the bottles nicely lined up after bottling. I have a spoon [some sort of baby food measuring device] that gives me exactly the amount of sugar I like and the whole thing works well for me.

Nothing wrong either with batch priming as mentioned above, but to do it you either have to move the beer off the sediment into a second bucket, [which takes at least as much time as the bottle priming idea] or risk disturbing the sediment while you're mixing in the priming fluid.
You can add a bit of sugar to each bottle, but, as you say that would take ages. And be a bit of a pain in the ****.

The way I do it is to dissolve the sugar in boiling water, then add it to the bottling bucket once it's cooled. Then siphon the beer into the bottling bucket and it mixes itself together so you don't even need to stir it. I have done it the same way as you before with the same results. Whatever works best for you is the right way to do it.

That's how I do it but I don't bothered waiting for he solution to cool. I also give it a little bit of a stir as I wasn't getting even carbonation but most people don't seem to have that problem.
I've got the Bulldog four finger jack craft beer kit and there's no priming sugar included although the instructions say to add some.

Have they left it out due to personal preference or does it not entirely require sugar adding?

Does anyone know how much sugar I would need? I've done the Youngs APA kit before so could use the same amount of PS that the Youngs guide called for?

It seems I did the same..started with the Young’s AIPA kit, picked you the bulldog FFJ APA kit for my second and am now a bit unsure on what to do re sugars..
I've made this kit a few times and really like it but it's a couple of years since I made it so can't remember if it came with priming sugar. If it didn't, I would have used about 100g of brewing sugar for 20 litres (I always brew kits short).

I batch prime by taking a small amount of wort, adding the sugar and heating in a saucepan until the sugar has dissolved but not boiling it! I add this to a second fv and siphon the rest onto it, avoiding splashing. Then bottle.