Cauliflower in my beer!

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Jul 27, 2008
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I have this floating on the top of my forum brew :shock: I'm pretty sure it's just floating trub but would appreciate it if someone could confirm and give me an idea about why it's happened. I used protofloc in the boil and fermented with wlp007.



Seriously mate, don't worry about it. ;)
It's happened to me before when using S04 and protafloc.
There is talk that it's formed by electrostatic charges making the yeast clump.
It's an absolute PITA to rack your beer off the stuff as it doesn't compact, instead it rolls across itself like bunches of grapes.

Last time it happened to me, when the beer was finished I skimmed it all off the surface, racked to another container, and then racked to keg.

I'll find the pic to prove it ;)
None in this brew, apart from the copper finings :shock:
Wez said:
I have this floating on the top of my forum brew :shock: I'm pretty sure it's just floating trub but would appreciate it if someone could confirm and give me an idea about why it's happened. I used protofloc in the boil and fermented with wlp007

:lol: :lol: Have you been drinking :drunk:

sorry for the belated response wez,

i had exactly this same problem in my group brew. and as it happens this is the first time i used protafloc, and yes i'm using S04.

I put it down to the hop bed not being a good enough filter.

the good news is the beer came out crystal clear when i racked it a few days ago, but it was indeed a royal PITA to rack. the lumps are attracted to your syphon and i lost alot of beer because the last gallon or so was just so riddled with these lumps.

edit: if this keeps consistently happening i may try using a filter pad when emptying the boiler to fermenter... failing that i may have to ditch the protafloc :(
Vossy1 said:
Here it is after a lot of it had sunk


I know this is an old post...but!!
I've had this happen to me a few times, I put it down to lack of o2 in the wort before pitching, I now transfer the wort from container to container making a splash then whip it up before I pitch, not had the problem since...(touch wood)

I mostly use Whirlofloc from paul at barley bottom, but I had the same problem years ago using Irishmoss!
The reason I think it's o2 is because the last time it happend my wort next day was the same as vossy1's picture the wort also looked "dead".
I gave it a really good rousing, pouring from bucket to bucket numerous times creating loads of froth (I thought nothing to loose) :pray:
The next day it was fermenting as normal with 3" of head on!! :thumb:
I've just had this very same experience, first time using irish moss during the boil...i thought it was fungus at first but soon realised it wasn't and bottled the beer, losing a couple of litres due to all the **** in the fermentor.....I had plenty of oxygen prior to pitching the yeast...will wait and see what the beer turns out like....


3723918613_57358c98fe_o.jpg a few bottles with some of this in due to it being sucked in whilst racking, will this settle during conditioning ??

***pictures updated 20.50 15/07/2009***

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