Coopers I.P.A (Taste Issue) I Welcome Any Feedback

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Red Devil

Active Member
Oct 3, 2010
Reaction score
Iv'e had my Coopers IPA in the FV for 9 days now and i am getting steady hydrometer readings so I am going to bottle tomoorow (day 10) I had a cheeky taste today when taking my latest reading and although its early days I have to say it tasted VILE!!! worst than any of the beers I have brewed so far (at FV stage). I made it with with Geordie enhancer but it tastes really bitter (I mean really, truly, deeply bitter)!!!! and has more of that homebrew taste than my other beers!!! Again I know its early days and I am praying after conditioning it will taste good.. have any of you guys done one of these kits? if so what was it like when you had a taste from the FV and what was it like after a few weeks conditioning??
I reckon I've done about 15 Coopers kits, not the IPA but most others and I have to say, I've NEVER had any problems with their kits... but it gets a lot, lot better for leaving for about 3 weeks
The Coopers IPA was one of the few kits I did.
It will improve markedly over time......extremely bitter I found it young, unpleasantly so. Forgot about it for a month or so and it tasted very good when I went back to it.

Thanks mate, that makes me feel better, I must say although I am fairly new to homebrewing all the kits I have done so far have been fantastic after 4 -6 weeks, I wish I started sooner! :cheers:

I've done that kit twice and its generally been superb- I'm currently sampling one that I bottled on Saturday and its perfectly drinkable (although they get much better after a few weeks)

However, I had an experience with a Coopers Sparkling Ale that I would sooner forget. I produced 40 pints of vile liquid, that got worse and worse the longer I left it- I think it got contaminated with something and went bad.

In this case, just leaving it didn't work.


However, I had an experience with a Coopers Sparkling Ale that I would sooner forget. I produced 40 pints of vile liquid, that got worse and worse the longer I left it- I think it got contaminated with something and went bad.

In this case, just leaving it didn't work.


Sparkling Ale is possibly Coopers best brew in my experience so it must have been contaminated! Don't lose heart...

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