Degassing help

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Active Member
Jul 13, 2018
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Hi guys,

I am completely new to making wine and have been following some recipes for country wines from the brew it yourself book. I have some lemon and lime wine that has been in demijohn for 3 months(transfering off lees twice) and is 1.010 don't know what OG was but used 1.4kg of sugar.i also have some.blackberry wine (3 months in demijohns) that has got to 0.990 again no OG. The recipe says to bottle both after this period of time.

I have tried this but the plastic corks keep popping out. So I tried to degass with a homemade wand. But despite whizzing back and forth for days and days there is still gas and the corks still pop out. Can anyone help?should I be using some stabalizer or something.

Please help




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Degassing will be fully done in one minute with a wand so its not CO2 that is the problem, at .990 i would have thought fermentation has finished and it'll be as dry as a bone i havent aclue how to help further as i only make wine from juice buy i am sure someone will be able to help.

If you haven't tried juice wine making have a look at this - How to make Supermarket Juice Wine - HERE.
I hadn't read Chippy's reply and was about to post exactly the same.
You could check your hydrometer in water to make sure it's reading 1.000 as it could be giving an incorrect read, it defiantly sounds like it's still fermenting but shouldn't be at .990
Degassing will be fully done in one minute with a wand so its not CO2 that is the problem, at .990 i would have thought fermentation has finished and it'll be as dry as a bone i havent aclue how to help further as i only make wine from juice buy i am sure someone will be able to help.

If you haven't tried juice wine making have a look at this - How to make Supermarket Juice Wine - HERE.

How fast do you zip it round in the demijohn?


If it's still at 1.010, it's nowhere near finished fermenting. Virtually all country wines will go to .998 or less.
The blackberry sounds about right to bottle, but definately not the lemon/lime.
Potassium sorbate and campden tablets will slow/stop the fermentation, but I would be very careful.
It's probably good that the plastic corks (which are *****) are popping out, or you could be looking at bottle bombs...
Full speed for a couple of seconds one way then reverse and do it for a couple of seconds and keep doing it for a minute the only think with DJ's is if you fill them too full it makes degassing a pain i always leave plenty of room them top up after degassing, with a FV i do it 5 seconds one way 5 seconds reverse and keep switching for a minute.