First Brew Hydrometer readings

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boxing day massacre

New Member
Aug 23, 2012
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I am very new to this and bought a kit a young's brew buddy cider. Started it yesterday and forgot to take an initial reading with the hydrometer.

how vigorously should it bubble ? i have some bubbles and a layer of foam/froth forming on the top

In the instructions its says that after fermentation the SG should read 1008-1002 on the hydrometer supplied with the kit the scale is from 0.995 to 1.120, so should i be reading the hydrometer i have at 1.008 - 1.002 this is showing the range to be in amber and the colour scale inside the hydrometer is this correct.
Foam and bubbles are pretty sure signs of fermenting so good stuff. Beer is pretty vigourous, but cider and wine tend to go slowly. You seem to know what you're doing but cider generally ferments down below 1.000. The trick to all brewing is patience - let it do its thing and give it time too :)
Hi BDM. Welcome to the forum. First off forget about the colours. They mean nothing important. If you look at the scale you will see the range graduated. 1.002-1.008 is where you want to be once fermentation has finished. Your brew sounds as though it's doing fine. The bubble rate will get more rapid for the first few days and then slow down. Depending on the temperature will determine how fast it ferments. Try to keep it around 20-22c but below 25c if you can. A nice slow ferment is best so don't worry if it takes longer than the instructions. When the bubbles really slow down test it with your hydrometer to see where you are. Ask on here if you are unsure and someone will help.
Thanks for your advice

so ignore the instructions and hope it goes 1.000 or below, the thing with this kit is that there is a box with instructions on it that says the fermentation time should be 4-6 days or when it stops bubbling and you get the same hydrometer reading for three days but on the can of mix you get the instructions say 7-12 days which has confused me (which doesn't take much)
Time is dependant on too many factors. It's finished when its finished. Airlock activity will stop, give it a few days, then take a reading. Cider should be 1.000 or below. If its he same in 3 days time, its ready for the next stage. :)
Will a low alcohol brew bubble slower than a high alcohol brew in the beginning? My 15% wine bubbles rapid, but my 5.9% cider bubbles slow.
Speed of fermentation depends more on the type of yeast and its environment (acidity, nutrient levels etc), and ofc temperature.

Some yeasts naturally go like the clappers, some go much slower.

Some wine kits you buy aim to produce wine within 3 weeks or so and they have really fast yeasts.

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