floating debris in bottles

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New Member
Dec 19, 2012
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A very strange thing I noticed this morning after bottling my beer a couple of days ago which I have never seen before, quite big debris floating on top of the clearing beer. Opened a bottle to check smell and taste with no probs. Any ideas what this is and if I should worry? Brew is just a house bitter, yeast is safale and process went okay. Thanks in advance Steve
I've seen bits of yeast sit on the top before as the surface tension appeared to be enough to keep it there. I found that if you gently spin the bottle it does enough to get it to drop. Although this was probably after a couple of weeks of clearing - so I'd leave it a bit longer first and it may just drop out all on it's own :thumb:
Hawks said:
I've seen bits of yeast sit on the top before as the surface tension appeared to be enough to keep it there. I found that if you gently spin the bottle it does enough to get it to drop. Although this was probably after a couple of weeks of clearing - so I'd leave it a bit longer first and it may just drop out all on it's own :thumb:

The word for this guys is "just chill" Taking the hot weather into account I have put a bottle into the fridge and in less than 24 hours the stuff has settled to the bottom...happy days!

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