Free Scotland

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"Should Scotland have the right to decide its own future?

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  • Not sure

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The rough intellectual equivalent of claiming a "once in a generation opportunity" comment represents a binding agreement is pulling a sportsman up for saying getting to the final is a "once in a lifetime opportunity" because he reached the Semis the following year.
The import export thing is unfathomably complex incidentally, and in no way can ever be boiled down in the way you are attempting to do. One reason for this is Scottish goods leaving the UK at English ports are not accounted for as "Scottish Exports".

Also, I note your use of the word "agreement" there.

Your previous words on that subject were "no one has said it was part of an agreement".

Glad to have finally cleared that one up.

FYI, there was no agreement.
Not complex at all, balance of trade figures don't lie, no matter where the goods are shipped from. If you want to believe that there was no agreement that's fine by me.

The rough intellectual equivalent of claiming a "once in a generation opportunity" comment represents a binding agreement is pulling a sportsman up for saying getting to the final is a "once in a lifetime opportunity" because he reached the Semis the following year.
Clutching at straws now. Better off believing there was no agreement instead of trying to cover it up.
Not complex at all, balance of trade figures don't lie, no matter where the goods are shipped from. If you want to believe that there was no agreement that's fine by me.

Clutching at straws now. Better off believing there was no agreement instead of trying to cover it up.
An agreement if this nature would have to be legislative for it to be worth anything. Can you show me?
An agreement if this nature would have to be legislative for it to be worth anything. Can you show me?
I haven't once said it was legislative, it is what Salmond and Sturgeon agreed to! If it is publicly stated that the referendum, was a once in a generation chance to vote on the future of Scotland that is how it should play out. Blame Salmond and Sturgeon, they are the ones who said it.
Well Brian
Wow, no need for name calling.
Was not aware Brian was a term of abuse in Australia? Is it the same as a flamin Norah?

Anyway, my name is Hieronymous Bosch and I investigate murders in Cavan/Westmeath area while dealing with the death of my mother from a feral sheep.

I have just made it clear that before the last referendum the agreement was 'a generation'
So you think it should be a referendum every generation.
Ok got it.
Wow, no need for name calling.
Was not aware Brian was a term of abuse in Australia? Is it the same as a flamin Norah?

Anyway, my name is Hieronymous Bosch and I investigate murders in Cavan/Westmeath area while dealing with the death of my mother from a feral sheep.

So you think it should be a referendum every generation.
Ok got it.
You remind me of a Brian. Not what I think, what was stated by the leaders of the SNP at the time. If they said every 8 years then go for it, in full agreeance. Never mind the consequences.
I consider myself British & think that the Brexit vote was a huge mistake though it was probably inevitable given our political system. I think it likely that the UK will want to rejoin before too long, as to if they would let us i doubt i will see it in my lifetime.
I cannot for the life of me see how Scotland can be more prosperous by leaving unless it rejoins the EU in its own right. That possibility is vanishingly small as it would give a green light to Catalan independence, something that Spain would not countenance!
But ask the average strapped for cash Englishman why the Scots get free prescriptions, eye tests, Dental care University fees etc & they dont?
Most of them would be quite happy to see the back of the Scots as they wouldnt have to subsidise them any more!
Be careful what you wish for.
Then why was Brexit put into the mix?

Whether people care to admit it or not, Brexit is fairly key to most political decisions here. In this case, because the "Better Together" campaign used the EU are a central selling point of remaining in the UK.
There is nothing to stop another vote being taken under the agreement reached. One generation agreed by all.

This has been addressed before, and it's complete ********.
If it was a business the receivers would have been brought in long ago.

All whilst we have been part of The Union. You could just as easily make that as one of the biggest arguments for leaving.
Even if they did I doubt Westminster would have been agreeable.

It shouldn't be down to Westminster. Scotland has returned pro-independence MPs and MSP's, who've made it clear that they would continue to pursue independence, consistently since 2014.
Better off believing there was no agreement instead of trying to cover it up

If it was considered important, Cameron would've made sure it was in The Edinburgh Agreement.
I consider myself British & think that the Brexit vote was a huge mistake though it was probably inevitable given our political system. I think it likely that the UK will want to rejoin before too long, as to if they would let us i doubt i will see it in my lifetime.
I cannot for the life of me see how Scotland can be more prosperous by leaving unless it rejoins the EU in its own right. That possibility is vanishingly small as it would give a green light to Catalan independence, something that Spain would not countenance!
But ask the average strapped for cash Englishman why the Scots get free prescriptions, eye tests, Dental care University fees etc & they dont?
Most of them would be quite happy to see the back of the Scots as they wouldnt have to subsidise them any more!
Be careful what you wish for.

Yet the UK government is desperate to keep Scotland. Peculiar that. Never wonder why?

We don't get free dental care by the way.
I don't think the UK government is stopping a vote just abiding what was agreed, another vote could well be on the cards in 30 years.

An interview with Andrew Marr doesn't constitute a legal position. Salmond is out of the picture. A political movement is not bound by comments by any one person.

Clutching at straws mate.
So a "handshake agreement" made by two leaders who have ling since been emptied, and which is not legislative in nature is enough to bind governments of the future, and enough to deny the democratic will of the Scottish people, until an arbitrary amount of time has passed.

Who knows the exact content* of this handshake agreement? Is it available for lawyers to scrutinise? Given that this handshake agreement is apparently even more binding g than legislation (which absolutely cannot bind future governments) I would have thought its content would be in the public domain.

*no one, because its a figment of imagination, and just think for one second what it would mean if countries were bound by "handshake agreements" made years ago by former leaders.... Sit back and have a right good think about how unfathomably stupid all of this sounds 😂
how unfathomably stupid all of this sounds

They know it does, but it's all they can cling to.

Just as well we have a fixed-term parliament act, I dread to think of how these democracy -deniers would behave if they place such stock in political slogans and figures of speech.
An interview with Andrew Marr doesn't constitute a legal position. Salmond is out of the picture. A political movement is not bound by comments by any one person.

Clutching at straws mate.
No one has ever said it was a legal position for the umpteenth time. It was stated that if they lost they wont be coming back for another crack for a generation. They have now been held to that statement.
Yet the UK government is desperate to keep Scotland. Peculiar that. Never wonder why?
The UKs nuclear subs are based in Scotland. If Scotland broke off there would be a serious issue where to base them as there no where else in the UK that's suitable.

That and the shortbread

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