Hello from East Village, London

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Active Member
Jun 2, 2014
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Hi all :hat:,

So I decided to make my foray into brewing with Coopers Australian Lager kit. I don't expect it to go right since I might've messed up somewhere but then again I think it should be fine, it is quite a straight forward process after all.

I know, I know - real brewers would laugh at me for being a kid and playing with toys but hey, gotta start from somewhere.





So let's see how this all plays out. It's sitting nicely in the FV at 24 celsius and the action below the lid seems aplenty.

A quick question though: should I stir it every now and then? Or should I let it go uninterrupted as much as possible?

Thanks much in advance and I'm looking forward to sharing my newbie adventures in the world of brewing. :)
Nothing wrong with starting with kits! You might as well get the basics nailed before you spend too much money. That said I think you may need a bigger wok next time!

There's no need to stir the wort (provided it has started fermenting). Just leave it alone for a couple of weeks. If it doesn't start bubbling then it's worth agitating it a little bit.

If possible try to get the FV down below 24c. I know it's warm in London at the minute so it may be tricky but if you have a cool room that'd be ideal. A swamp cooler (search on here for instructions) would also work well. Ideally I always aim for my beers to be under 20c (at least for the first few days of fermentation).
Nothing wrong with starting with kits! You might as well get the basics nailed before you spend too much money. That said I think you may need a bigger wok next time!

There's no need to stir the wort (provided it has started fermenting). Just leave it alone for a couple of weeks. If it doesn't start bubbling then it's worth agitating it a little bit.

If possible try to get the FV down below 24c. I know it's warm in London at the minute so it may be tricky but if you have a cool room that'd be ideal. A swamp cooler (search on here for instructions) would also work well. Ideally I always aim for my beers to be under 20c (at least for the first few days of fermentation).

Ah, thanks, Naturals! Indeed, the wok was indeed a bit tiny, could barely fit the stuff in. Need to get a bigger pot.

I'll try to keep it as cool as possible but I don't think I can get it below 20c without a fridge. I'm currently eyeballing eBay to get my hands on a decent enough fridge or a freezer to turn it into my master brew cooler.

My current trouble is the airlock for the FV. I bought a kit from Balliihoo and the airlock that came with it is complete BS. It's basically like a 3-piece airlock, except that it's made out of 2 pieces and it doesn't have any holes on top. Dunno how is it supposed to work. Gonna have to get a new one ASAP.
I'm just a few miles from you in London - my beer is currently hovering around 18-20c using a swamp cooler with a bit of ice and a wet t-shirt over it. I'd try that technique before you fill your flat with a new fridge.

That airlock is absolutely fine - it's exactly what I use. Put one piece onto your FV, half fill it with water (sterilised / pre-boiled) and push the top half onto it. You may get a little water bubbling past the edges but it should be fine. There's no need for a hole in it on the top. If it's blowing all the water out (as can happen sometimes) that suggests to me your fermentation is running away a little bit (which would point towards it being too warm).
I'm just a few miles from you in London - my beer is currently hovering around 18-20c using a swamp cooler with a bit of ice and a wet t-shirt over it. I'd try that technique before you fill your flat with a new fridge.

That airlock is absolutely fine - it's exactly what I use. Put one piece onto your FV, half fill it with water (sterilised / pre-boiled) and push the top half onto it. You may get a little water bubbling past the edges but it should be fine. There's no need for a hole in it on the top. If it's blowing all the water out (as can happen sometimes) that suggests to me your fermentation is running away a little bit (which would point towards it being too warm).

Wow, I'm impressed - 18-20 with just a swamp cooler? (Something like this?) And you can keep it at a constant temperature? Need to find a bucket big enough to fit the FV in, though.

But according to the instructions that came with the kit, it says the ideal temperature range for this one is 21-27. Mine's been ticking away at 24 more or less the whole time, which I think is just the right temperature for this kit (it's based on an ale yeast, apparently, thus needing warmer temperature). But I want to try a proper lager kit next - meaning I'm gonna need cooler temperatures.

I actually managed to get my hands on a 140L fridge for £30 on eBay just yesterday. But you're right - if it's doable with just a bucket and some cold water, I think that makes a lot more sense. I have to think this through. :)

Thanks, Naturals! Such a helpful fellow! :hat:
Wow, I'm impressed - 18-20 with just a swamp cooler? (Something like this?) And you can keep it at a constant temperature? Need to find a bucket big enough to fit the FV in, though.

But according to the instructions that came with the kit, it says the ideal temperature range for this one is 21-27. Mine's been ticking away at 24 more or less the whole time, which I think is just the right temperature for this kit (it's based on an ale yeast, apparently, thus needing warmer temperature). But I want to try a proper lager kit next - meaning I'm gonna need cooler temperatures.

I actually managed to get my hands on a 140L fridge for £30 on eBay just yesterday. But you're right - if it's doable with just a bucket and some cold water, I think that makes a lot more sense. I have to think this through. :)

Thanks, Naturals! Such a helpful fellow! :hat:

No worries. The swamp cooler as in your link is similar to the setup I have. It's far from perfect and the temperature varies up to around 22c if it's a hot day and I'm at work (and unable to dump more ice in). It's sufficient though and stops me getting ruined batches.

If you're doing lagers you're definitely going to need a fridge though. Have a search on here for people using the STC temperature controller to keep the constant temperature required.

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