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Jun 21, 2011
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Hi Everyone!

Just getting into this home brewing malarky.

It all started with a beer kit I got for Father's day a couple of years ago and finally got around to making. It wasn't at all to my taste (Youngs bitter).

I then had a go at Turbo cider which was much better, and since then I've now made a kit Cabernet Sauvingon, original recipe WoW (which my mum loves) and now have batches of WoW, Strawberry, Easy White and Rose and Cherry on the go, with both the Cherry and Strawberry made from home grown fruit.

Finding it quite an addictive hobby so far, and best of all is that it doesn't comsume too much time and the rewards are very much worthwhile.

Got a couple of Beaverdale kits arriving soon, and also thinking about making Lager soon as the Youngs bitter and confirmed real ales are not to my liking!
Thank you! This certainly looks like the place to be - found myself here after lurking on the homewinemaking.co.uk forums.
Good luck there fella,

It is a great hobby to take up, cheaper than most hobbies as it will save you cash in the long run. My old man even drinks the lager now as it actually tastes of something.

The youngs harvest is possibly the cheapest beer kit to start with and is perfectly acceptable (drinking down my stockpile now) and coopers lager kits are pretty good.

The ginger beer recipe is well worth a try too...

Happy brewing :)

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