help with my sweet elderberry

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Is 1.060 the gravity it has stuck at or the OG? which ever way I need an idea of both gravities to determin how much alcohol is in there it may be that the yeast wasn't up to it ie the gravity was to high for it and the yeast has now sucumed to alcohol poisoning, and subsequent yeast additions are struggling to get going because of the alcohol.
Original gravity. if I know that I can work out how much alcohol you have as 1060 seems very high as if it hasn't really got going but if the OG was 1150 then that may be your problem. :thumb:
Not sure as this was my first wine and didn't have the equipment then.... ,maybe I should drink it how it is?

At first I never added yeast nutrient, only vitamin b1 but I added yeast nutrient a few weeks ago before the fresh yeast.
I think you have perhaps just added to much sugar as by the sounds of it you have added multiple amounts of sugar. I think perhaps the yeast has just hit the wall and any new yeast added is just stressed out by the alcohol. Just a hunch going on what you have written.

If you are wanting to make an elderberry port in future this is what I use.

per gallon

2lb damsons
2lb elderberry
2lb blackberry
1lb raisins
1 tsp pectinase
2lb of sugar

ferment on the pulp for a week then strain and ferment in a DJ until dry. Rack of the sediment and stabilise and mature for 2-3 yrs. Once you are ready to bottle you can back sweeten with demerara sugar.

I used the cjj berry recipe, I think it was 3 1/2 lb sugar, is it safe to drink now do you think? My wife loves the taste!, what would you do to it prior to bottling?

Thanks very much for your help kind sir
I would stabilise it with a campden tablet and transfere it to a clean sterilised Fv under airlock and leave it for 6 months you never know it may drop some more. :thumb: . Big wines like port need to be matured in bulk IMHO. :thumb:
Just had a look at it and it seems to be fermenting in slooooow motion, I mean very slow, looks like buying a pack of campden tablets!

Thanks again
Just sterilized a clean dj to transfer my wine and then got the wine from understairs cupboard to find plenty of bubbles going to the top of dj, the result of a poorly manufactured bung with a lip on the base of it, I pulled the bits off and re fitted, it has a slow ferment so I plan on letting it ferment out and then supping it!! Waste of time sterilizing that DJ! O well all experience!
I had an elderberry last year that had stopped at 1.020 but noticed, upon measuring with a hydrometer, how close the gravity of a bottle of gluwien (german mulled wine) was and so I added orange juice and spices (clove, cinnamon, ginger, cracked black pepper and nutmeg) and we were reasonably happy with the result. It's just an idea.

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