Is starting gravity correct?

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Nov 20, 2012
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Tonight I brewed 2 brews.
A. Festival American IPA
B. Muntons Gold Imperial Stout.

I made both kits as per instruction. And pitched the yeast around 15C/16C I made the festival ipa to 23 litres with a SG of 1050. Which I think is prob about right.

However I decided to reduce the stout from 23l to 21l as last time it was delicious but not even 4%......but when I took sg readings on my hydrometers one read 1064 while the other said 1060!!!
Does this seem right as I was expecting in the 1940's.
Does anyone have any ideas of what may have happened.ty
I presume you meant to type 1,040's. I would guess that when taking a sample the wort wasn't thoroughly mixed.
If that was the case I would expect the reading to be low because the extract would be at the bottom and there would be more water at the top where the sample was taken.

May be it wasn't mixed properly last time he brewed it and he got a low reading.
If that was the case I would expect the reading to be low because the extract would be at the bottom and there would be more water at the top where the sample was taken.

May be it wasn't mixed properly last time he brewed it and he got a low reading.
Seems you are privy to more information than what the OP suggested I will delete my post.
Seems you are privy to more information than what the OP suggested I will delete my post.
We don’t know if the sample came from the top or from a tap it seemed a sensible answer to me. Could be almost anything really? Sugar added to a 2 can kit? Hydrometer not reading 1.000 in water?
The sample was taken in a test jar poured from the tap on my fv....I poured the first filled test jar back into the brew and tested the second test jar....I also used 2 hydrometer with one saying 1064 and the other 1060......
I'm afraid I don't understand...what do you mean delete who's post....excuse my ignorance
Not being mixed correctly sounds like a plausible reason for it being high. The extract sinks to the bottom and since you took the sample from the tap at the bottom of the FV it'll have been more concentrated there.

If it was only slightly undermixed it'll probably naturally diffuse, but if there is still concentrated extract on the bottom of the vessel a stir might be an idea.
I poured the 2 tins of extract into the fv along with 2 kettles (4L) boiling water and stirred vigorously for 5 or 6 minutes before topping up to 21L....
What if I stir it now and take another reading would this give me a better idea or would I not get a correct reading because the yeast has been added...would this be worth a try or not ?
What if I stir it now and take another reading would this give me a better idea or would I not get a correct reading because the yeast has been added. Would this be worth a try or not ?
It wouldn't hurt to stir it and take another reading. Although if fermentation has started the reading will be a little lower than it was.
Don't forget to sanitise everything.
Stirred it and took readings with my 2 is 1036 & the other is 1038......massive difference so I do think probably stirring may have been the culprit but I am giving them a good one for 5 or 6 minutes isn't this enough?
The muntons gold imperial stout is a fantastic tasting stout in my view but I'd like it a bit stronger.....the last time I brewed it I don't even think it git to 4%. That was the reason I brewed short from 23l to 21l this time but going by tonight's gravity reading it looks like I'm going to have another weak beer.....I would be happy with 4% and delighted with over 4.5% but I don't think this will be achieved......I can't remember where the fg finished last time but I feel it was around 1014/16.....
Fermentation had indeed started when I opened my fv earlier but just how much that effected my og I don't know. Would anyone maybe suggest what my real og was if its sitting at 1036/38 now 17 hours in?
I really do left with something approaching 3% the box says 4.5% for 40 pints.....look forward to feedback ty
Right this only a guide with guesswork.
The kit says it should be 4.5% @ 23ltrs so a reduction to 21 ltrs would add .25% so it should end up at 4.75% if it attenuates fully.
17 hours in and a reading of 1.038/1.036 would give me the idea it was where it should have been as it will have dropped a few points as the yeast has kicked off.
I would also just use the one hydrometer for the OG and the FG so that the difference will be the same(if you know what I mean), I would also test the hydrometers in water at the usual temp around 20c to see which hydrometer is more accurate. Tap water is usually good enough unless you want to be ultra accurate.
We don’t know if the sample came from the top or from a tap it seemed a sensible answer to me. Could be almost anything really? Sugar added to a 2 can kit? Hydrometer not reading 1.000 in water?
It would be delving into the realms of fantasy expecting a kit beer with OG forecast at around 1,045 mixed as per instructions to be up into the 1,060 figure. Only pointed to one thing the wort hadn't been thoroughly mixed.
I suspect that as his previous brew the FG was high that that sample hadn't taken correctly either.
As a matter.of interest say the wort in a brew hasn't been mixed properly will the beer still ferment out and finish at the same fG as it would have done if mixed properly or not?
As a matter.of interest say the wort in a brew hasn't been mixed properly will the beer still ferment out and finish at the same fG as it would have done if mixed properly or not?
When taking an FG degas the sample or better still de-gas and let it stand for 24 hours.

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