king keg brewing

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New Member
Nov 7, 2014
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just purchased a king keg to go with my demijohns and would like to know what i can brew in it i am new to the home brewing and obviously just building up my equipment slowly as funds allow so i haven't got a secondary keg any advice would be great guys thanks.:drink:
Ale is good in a king keg.

Lager not so good as doesn't the king keg doesn't retain the kind of pressure that lager really needs to carbonate properly.

Not sure on Cider as never done it but there are a lot of king kegs pop up on ebay in the south west so presume this is cider drinkers ?

Whatever you put in the keg keg really needs to do a primary fermentation (2-3 weeks) in a fermenting vessel first (FV is just a sanitised bucket with a lid!).

You then syphon the beer from the fermentation vessel (which gets it off the 'trub' left at the bottom of the FV) into the king keg, prime with a small amount of sugar at that stage (80g of sugar for a beer) so it can do its secondary fermentation (to carbonate the beer) in the king keg.

Lots of good advice on here, you jut need a beer kit and follow the instructions provided but ignore the wildly optomistic timings in the instructions - you need 2-3 weeks in primary FV, then prime in the king keg, leave somewhere warm for 2 weeks to secondary ferment/carbonate, then move somewhere colder (like a garage/outhouse) and leave to condition for 2-4 weeks minimum.

Good luck with it :cheers:

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