Kris n Bri's Brewday...

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Jul 11, 2013
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Hollow all,
been under the grid (both of us) for sometime.
so we thought boot time we get our arses into gear n make some beer.
It'll be on Thursday morn.
so ive ordered a hefty 7.61kg of grains, n 388g of hots in total.
looking at the Pulp IPA clone.
I'm not happy we the IBU's, a massive difference with the recipe and the BS2 maker...but we fathom it oot lol.
this batch is going to be no chill, and eventually bottled for Kris.
an expencive grain n hop thinking my separate batch we be Massis otter instead of Best ale malt n exra pale malt...and only 19l for my corni.
anways, done the salts and sorting the GF.
hoping a few pics of our fugly faces can give a few not serous more like.


Reeeeeeet so turned up at @Manxnorton sarnies in tow at around 9:30am to see the GF and sparge water all prepped ready to roll. Massive 9kg + grain bill for this. Everything kicked off rosy all temps met, mash in temp steady at 65 degrees and after fuelling up with daft crack, all english sarnies and about 15 cuppas we cracked on.

Mash in was decent considering the amount of grain and didn't have an issue with grain balling as I call it haha! Slow and steady gently gently tickle the goose as they say nowhere.

Mash in done whacked on the pump and began circulation for an hour. Colour cleared up lovely before we mashed out at ahem 75 degrees*

I say ahem as we were deep in the outhouse pissing about with other things and forgot to keep check on the temp for mash out but hey. What's a few degrees between friends. Got the temp down quickly with some sharp thinking and lifted out the basket ready for the old spargarooney with the diddlybop.

Sparge went well with no sticking good flow with the husks we added to the mix.

Then the boil, got a cracking boil on the go quickly too for the GF and began with the additions. Smell was unreal with the high hop content hmmmmm

Chilled with the GF cooler super quick drill bit in and pitched the yeast at around 20 Degrees.

Just had a message off Bry showing the brew bubbling away niceley.

Will provide updates on the dry hop schedule as and when
