Manns brown ale £1 500ml bottle ASDA

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Mild man
Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
St Albans
Not likely to be of much interest, I realise that, but I did buy one bottle for old time's sake - I used to drink this when I were a lad of no taste.
Last time I drank this was 15 years ago. 1/2 and 1/2 with adnams old. But things ( my taste) have moved on since then. :cheers:
I like it. Especially good if driving later as it's so weak, drink it slowly and you stay well inside both the legal limit and your own capabilities.
On the other hand, I don't shop at Asda as they're owned by Walmart.
Well, I have to say I did buy one bottle and drank it the other night, and I didn't find it too bad. Better than what I remembered. Much like a dark mild, really.

But it comes in pint bottles (or rather 500ml) now, and I'm sure I remember that it was in half-pint bottles before. Well, this was... um... a few years ago now.
I thought so. I remember ordering a crate (24 bottles) between the 2 of us because it saved all those trips to the bar. But it took up a bit of space on the table.