My kettle has arrived!!!!

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Jul 28, 2008
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Pic's to follow once i've wiped the man milk of of it... :lol:
I'm so pleased with this. It's always a bit nervy waiting for something thats built to order and from the furthest part of the country. If i had to go down there and rev him up about it it'd have cost me the same amount as the kettle did. Luckily there is no need. The build quality is excellent and the design is ace too. For me and how i currently brew it's just about perfect really. The hop strainer is fab and will suit my DP recipe's with the sack of hops i add. I can't really fault it in any way-apart from a very small dent in the side from idiots man-handling it in transport. :roll: But that is a minor ding and doesn't worry me really. I love the tap, the strainer, the domed base and the overall beauty of it. I especially love the brushed finish on the outside. The lid is superb too with a nice little opening to allow hop additions and steam to be released. As i will be aiming for 60 min boils and evaporation of 8% from now on i reckon i'll achieve that easily with the flexibility of a nice big gas burner.

So here are the pic's...

The kettle

It could do with a bit of a wipe down really. I'll do that after i'm done on here. :thumb:
The inside-if you look real close you can see a little 'stainless steel' stamp in the base. :cool:

The hop strainer. As the base is domed and the principle is to whirlpool the wort before straining this is a very neat and easily cleaned design. I love it. :thumb:

The welds are industrial and neat. Obviously done by hand. Much better than rubbishy machine welds IMO. I've inspected them and they are very secure with no dimples at all. :D
The welds on the hop strainer are tiny and by somone who is VERY good at welding SS. The legs have some seriously good tiny welding on them and the flow is textbook. I've rarely seen welding by hand as fine as this and certainly not on SS. :thumb: I bow down to you Eal. No wonder the Invercargill Brewery use you. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Check out this tap. I LOVE the clamp for the tap. Excellent idea. Take a look at the fine welding on the extension for the tap-you won't see finer SS welding anywhere. :cool: The tap also has a little collar that you have to lift to turn it on-prevents accidently knocking it onto the 'on' position. Beautiful. :thumb:

With a domed base and the tap positioned where it is i won't be getting any burnt flavours from my wort. :thumb: The more i inspect it the more i'm impressed. Won't make my beers any better but that's not the point. I now have a kettle that will last me a lifetime or longer of brewing. For NZ$700 bucks-about 250quid i have a 70L kettle delivered to my door. Built to industry standard and oh so shiny... :thumb:


I couldn't be happier if i had 17yr old stunning twins gagging for a piece of me to be honest. :lol: :party:

Just discovered that the top of the kettle has a turned over lip with perfectly burred edging that you can run your finger along and it feels lovely. Tomorrow night this little beauty will be getting it's first workout. Can't wait. Many pic's to follow...

I'm a very, very happy boy and the missus might have to put up with playing 'hide the party sausage' for a few nights as she got this for my birthday. :cheers:
i dunno where i get this idea from ... but would i be correct in thinking that you are a happy chappy?

nice one! happy brewing .... toe-jam wine the first brew?
Vossy1 said:
Very nice MEB :cool:
What's the dead space with the domed bottom?

The domed bottom is where the break material will collect so the tap is positioned slightly above this to allow for trub free runnings. Apparently. :cool:
Sorry to hear theres a ding from the transporter(bastards) :x and i'm not to impressed with the apperance it looks that its been left to get wet somewhere i dont think i will use them again but i am happy your happy for the interested the dome vol is four litres happy brewing :cheers:
The ding was an illusion. It was a mark that was a sort of greasy stain. :? I was in awe of my kettle when i discovered this at first and was still gawping at the lovely neat welds and wasn't that bothered. Once i got it into the brewery today and had a good look and feel i found the ding was just a stain. :party: So i'm well pleased. For the price of shipping from the southern most town in NZ to right up the top i'm well happy.

I filled up the kettle today and then planned to measure the volume in 5L increments but a yank friend turned up and i forgot how much i'd put in. But we done some sampling of Atwez Ale and he was well impressed with my kettle. He's been down the south island travelling about and was supposed to bring me back some Wanaka Beerworks Brewski but forgot. :evil:

I need to do some serious modifying to my brewery to accomodate the new set-up. I plan on getting a start tomorrow. We are suddenly really busy so i'm struggling to find time to play 'breweries'. Tomorrow should be ideal though so i'm hoping to get stuck in and possibly get a chance to get a brew on. The one good thing about being busy is there is money coming in and with the drop in fuel prices we are getting a better margin than ever. Which means i can nearly get the Mash tun ordered...Or should i go for the HLT :hmm:
IPWS said:
Sorry to hear theres a ding from the transporter(bastards) :x and i'm not to impressed with the apperance it looks that its been left to get wet somewhere i dont think i will use them again but i am happy your happy for the interested the dome vol is four litres happy brewing :cheers:

I'm thinking that IPWS is Earl :cool: The chap who lovingly crafted my kettle. Top marks to you mate. I'm seriously impressed and over the moon with it. Have you worked out a price for the temp controlled conical yet??? I will seriously GLOAT when i get that guys. You should give the chaps here a bit of info about yourself Earl.
I'm well chuffed with what you have produced for me, the speed in which you built it, the quality and your prompt reply to my daft emails. :lol: Earl came recommended to me via an NZ brewing forum and i thought his prices were good and he does some work for the Invercargill brewery. One of the top independent breweries in NZ. I liked the fact that he obviously has plenty of knowledge with brewing plant and the domed base and tap outlet made good sense to me. Can't wait to get my kettle fired up and running. :cheers:

I've a feeling you may be kept fairly busy by me in the next few month's Earl. :thumb:
Having just arrived in the country, my brewing gear - oh and the rest of the household stuff - is down on Welly docks in a container awaiting a MAF inspection. It's all plastic, the fullness of time I would be interested in a chat with Earl. Have to wait a while, but it'd be interesting to get more info from Earl so when the chance arises I can get in touch! Looks like really nice work. Martin seems quite happy!
Toast said:
Martin: This has your name on it
Take me home Martin!

I've asked Earl to quote me on a 50L jacketed temp controlled conical. I'll be sending all my saved cents of to Earl this year. :lol: Knowing that i'll get a beautiful piece of kit is worth a bigger smiley than we currently have. :D :D :D

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