Nicola Bulley

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Staff member
Mar 17, 2013
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Ulverston Cumbria.
This is the latest on the disappearance from BBC News.

What i don't understand is if she did fall in the river why was her phone on the bench most of us wouldn't leave a valuable phone on a bench and walk away from it and the dog dry surely if she fell in the dog would have been straight in after her, i am hoping for the sake of her husband and kids they are wrong but that leaves the question where is she.

Police investigating the disappearance of mother-of-two Nicola Bulley believe she fell into a river.

Officers were alerted to her disappearance when her spaniel, Willow, was found running loose off Garstang Road about 25 minutes after she was last seen by another dog walker.
At 09:20 police believe her phone was on a bench while connected to a work Teams meeting, which ended 10 minutes later.
Detectives believe Ms Bulley vanished in that 10-minute window.

Supt Riley said police had looked through dashcam, CCTV and doorbell footage which allowed detectives to "eliminate any trace so far of Nicola having left the riverside".
She said this was "really important" for the investigation.
"We believe that Nicola was in the riverside area and remained at the riverside area," Supt Riley said.
"We remain open to any inquiries that might lead us to question that, but at this time we understand that she was by the river."

Timeline of events

  • 08:43 - Ms Bulley walked along the path by the River Wyre, having dropped her children off at school
  • 08:50 - A dog walker who knows Ms Bulley saw her walking along the lower field. Their two dogs interacted briefly
  • 08:53 - Ms Bulley sent an email to her boss
  • 09:01 - She logged into a Teams call
  • About 09:10 - A witness who knows Ms Bulley saw her on the upper field walking Willow
  • 09:20 - Police inquiries suggest her phone was on the bench
  • 09:30 - The Teams call ended but she stayed logged on
  • About 09:35 - Ms Bulley's mobile phone and Willow were found at a bench by the river
BBC News
Me and my wife said straight away it was strange that they stated it would not be treated as suspicious? WHAT!!!
She may have been sat on the bench while the dog was playing, the dog may have looked like it was going to fall in and she put her phone down rushed to the dog slipped and fell in her self
I wouldn't like to speculate, but if I was on a zoom call with my dog, sat on a bench, we'd be playing ball.
Ball goes in river, I have to fish it out, but slip and fall in.
My dog wouldn't follow as he is afraid of water.
I don't know if this is particularly dangerous river? Press reports say she can swim (amazingly, plenty of people cannot).
I know Rod but they are guessing at the moment which is not based on known fact also she could swim so you would think she would be able to get out it just seems strange.
Lets hope they are right and a killer is not at large
I wouldn't like to speculate, but if I was on a zoom call with my dog, sat on a bench, we'd be playing ball.
Ball goes in river, I have to fish it out, but slip and fall in.
My dog wouldn't follow as he is afraid of water.
I don't know if this is particularly dangerous river? Press reports say she can swim (amazingly, plenty of people cannot).

I know Rod but they are guessing at the moment which is not based on known fact also she could swim so you would think she would be able to get out it just seems strange.
Being able to swim might not be much help if you fall, fully clothed, in to a fast flowing, cold river.
It is not a really wide river but wide enough and it can be really fast flowing at this time year
She was fully clothed in winter clothes so maybe got into difficulty even though she could swim.
I have neve gone into flowing water wearing clothes but can imagine it's not easy to swim once your clothes are soaked.

Edit to add -
DOH didn't see RichardM similar post above.
I fell in the river in the winter,backwards,with fishing box and rod bag slung round my neck, when I was about 16... if my mate wasn't there I'd have drowned.
Totally frozen I stripped off and dried my clothes by a fire a farmer had lit burning some hedge that was pulled out.
I recon she's fell in...looking at the river on the news it was fast,deep and with high banks...a few minutes in there this time of year with thick clothing you're knackered.
We really do need to bring back the stocks for people like this -

We can confirm a dispersal order was issued around 8.40pm yesterday (Wednesday, February 8) in St Michael’s on Wyre.

This followed reports of individuals – from outside the area of St Michael’s - filming on social media close to properties.

The order will remain in place for 48 hours and gives officers the power to disperse anyone committing anti-social behaviour.

Two dispersal notices were issued, and a number of other people were warned about their behaviour.

We hope that will give people some reassurance that we will not tolerate criminality, including trespass and criminal damage.

We are also aware of a number of grossly offensive comments being made on social media and elsewhere. We are looking into these and will not hesitate to take action where appropriate.

Our investigation to the disappearance of Nicola Bulley is continuing and we continue to search areas of the River Wyre and surrounding area.

People may have seen less police activity today than previously in the area of the river above the weir but that is not because we have stepped down our searches, it is because the focus of the search has moved further downstream into the area of the river which becomes tidal and then out towards the sea.

Anyone with information which could assist our investigation should call us on 101 quoting log 0565 of January 30th. For immediate sightings please call 999.
Just had the channel 5 thing on, and at one point they mentioned that thousands of people go missing but apparently what determines whether missing cases get big media coverage is influenced by race, sexuality, gender and class.
Sorry for this if it upsets anybody but do you mean like the Madeleine McCann case as they were the "respected people" him being a heart surgeon and not negligent parents who had been working class would have been charged with child abuse.
Sorry once again
Sorry for this if it upsets anybody but do you mean like the Madeleine McCann case as they were the "respected people" him being a heart surgeon and not negligent parents who had been working class would have been charged with child abuse.
Sorry once again
my wife and i never left our children alone on holiday they were always in sight, this does not upset me in any way shape or form, how could responsible parents go for a meal with friends and leave 2 young children alone, we would not do that in our own house never mind a foreign country
Sorry for this if it upsets anybody but do you mean like the Madeleine McCann case as they were the "respected people" him being a heart surgeon and not negligent parents who had been working class would have been charged with child abuse.
Sorry once again

I would have thought the probable death of their child is far worse a punishment than being charged with neglect (not abuse).

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