Personalised caps

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Staff member
Oct 8, 2014
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Woodford Halse Northants
It appears they are doing more samples because of the original problems

check your email for those who tried them

Give Us Another try!
It's taken a little bit longer than we thought that it would, but we've finally got all of the kinks worked out. We'd like you to have another trial of our caps and let us know what you think.

At the end of this email is a discount code for you to get another trial sample, but first here's a quick rundown of what we've done to fix the teething problems that most of you faced.

This was a big one and something we had alot of issues with. it was caused by the caps moving around on the "jig" we use to hold them in place as they are printed. We have this movement down to within 1mm (we were facing around 6mm initially) and although we will continue to hone the jigs and get the cap movement less and less this is the best we can do without drastically increasing the price. We honestly believe it would be difficult to see any issues with alignment on any of our caps, if you are extremely OCD, these may not be the route for you and you should potentially stick to plain caps. If your unsure, use the discount for the free sample and see what you think.

Delivery Times
We initially had issues with Royal Mail which delayed our orders going out. We've since had a few other issues and are switching to a new delivery partner in the new year. As it stands though, its Christmas, we all know that the amount of post increases ten fold this time of year so we can't do anything about that!!

This issue was caused by the product we were using to increase the durability. Its been completely sorted and won't reoccur.

Image Size
Due to the alignment issues we were forced to reduce the size of the images. We now print at a size of 20mm onto the top of the cap which has a 25mm printable area, so there is a 2.5mm border if you want to use the full printing area. The online editor has been adapted to reflect this and manage expectations better.

We trialled many different methods of sending out our caps. We wanted to keep the cardboard mailers (Amazon style) but a few people complained about "cap bombs" where they opened the package and the caps were flung everywhere. We've now added a holding liner into the packages so that the caps are better protected and won't move anywhere until you want them to!

We have changed the product we use to increase the durability of the ink on the caps. It still won't stand up to a nuclear blast or even you taking a knife to the image and scratching it off, but it will now withstand general use and should not be affected by your capper.
We honestly believe it would be difficult to see any issues with alignment on any of our caps, if you are extremely OCD, these may not be the route for you and you should potentially stick to plain caps. If your unsure, use the discount for the free sample and see what you think.

If they have got it down to within 1mm even with my OCD i would buy them.

Saw this earlier but couldn't find the original thread.

I think the free code gives you 50 free caps in any colour. Will give it another try
I've not had an email! The only issue I had last time was that my capper rubbed the print off.

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