Photobucket Hosting

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Jan 13, 2016
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Sleaford - Lincolnshire
The only other Forum I bother with is the AutoSleeper Owners Forum and it only allows photographs that are already hosted by Photobucket.

I am currently stopped from entering the ASOF site and receive the same ...
... as that received by Manxnorton.

I haven't bothered to upgrade my Photobucket Account because I loathe blackmail and this is what Photobucket's move looks like if I am now being forced to pay for what was originally a free service.

If I'm correct then it's "Bye bye Photobucket." because I hate blackmail ...

... and "Bye, bye ASOF as well as a consequence.

So, am I correct in my assumption that I now have to pay Photobucket to download stuff from there on to a Forum?


Luckily, I download photographs to THIS Forum directly from my computer so ...

:thumb: :thumb: :thumb:​

... and please don't change the system. :thumb:
I've been using Dropbox for free for 3 years. It's probably not as comprehensive as Photobucket, but it allows me to transfer my pics from one gadget to another and upload to the HBF and other sites of course.
Postimage recently had a few problems which iirc was about changing servers rather than demand they asked for donations and sure enough were sorted in a very short time, people don't mind when they are treat fairly but to hold your pictures to ransom like PB stinks.
I use Google drive for storing some items but mainly use my hard drive which is plugged into my BT Home hub and allows all devices on the network to access storage but mainly upload from my phone.
Too much stuff in the cloud these days.

Apparently, Photobucket want $400 a year to use their site! :doh:

I loved this complaint ...

"Photobucket sucks the sweat off a dead mans balls!
Changing their T's and C's after years of use.
Account now closed - I hope you go broke. Rot in hell."​

That is some disgruntled customer eh? :lol:

I too have closed my account. :thumb:

PS for Admin

Sorry that this Thread overlaps with ...

Any chance of amalgamating them?
Its people like this i feel sorry for.

A full collection (several thousand photographs) have disappeared from my 'Photobucket Pages'

To date all I am receiving to e-mails are 'Robotic Replies' I really would appreciate a response and of course my photographs being returned.
I wonder if they may be forced into a U turn as they are getting slated.


Thousands of images promoting goods sold on Amazon and other shopping sites have been removed after a photo-sharing service changed its terms.

Ebay and Etsy have also been affected, in addition to many forums and blogs.

The problem has been caused by Photobucket introducing a charge for allowing images hosted on its platform to be embedded into third-party sites.

The company caught many of its members unaware with the change, prompting some to accuse it of holding them to ransom.

Denver-based Photobucket is now seeking a $399 (£309) annual fee from those who wish to continue using it for "third-party hosting" and is facing a social media backlash as a consequence.

The BBC received an automated response when it tried to contact the company and is still seeking comment.

Policy switch

Photobucket has been online since 2003 and says it has more than 100 million customers and more than 15 billion images on its servers.

Part of its attraction with small retailers was the fact that its ad-supported "free" accounts could be used to upload images of goods to a single destination from where they could be pushed to multiple outlets.

On 26 June, however, the company published a brief note advising users to "take a moment to review our updated terms and policies".

About 500 words into the linked document was a declaration that free accounts would no longer permit image-linking to third-party sites.

Many users realised the change only when their embedded images were replaced by graphics saying their Photobucket accounts needed to be updated.

Devon-based seller vintage store Retro 2 Go, which sells its goods on eBay, was one of those affected.

"I have quite a bit of editing to do," the store's owner, Gigha Klinkenborg, told the BBC.

"A bit of notice would not have been unreasonable to expect. I have deleted my accounts and would not use [Photobucket] again."

'Held to ransom'

Some sellers unwilling to pay the fee have handled the change by uploading their product photos to a rival service.

But the new policy has also affected historical social media posts, blogs and forums that were reliant on Photobucket.

One of those affected is Stampboards, a forum with more than 17,000 members who discuss postage stamps and share images of them.

Many of its pages are now filled with Photobucket's upgrade demands instead of the photos of stamps it once showed.

"They are holding you to ransom," the site's administrator, Glen Stephens, told members, advising them not to pay the fee.

"You have no guarantee they will be in business... in a month the way this disaster is rolling out."

One British digital marketing company said it was understandable that Photobucket had wanted to become less reliant on ads, but criticised the service for both the sums it was seeking and the way it had gone about the move.

"It came out of the blue," blogged Runcorn's Aqueous Digital.

"There were no announcements, no emails warning people that it was about to happen and more importantly, no explanation.

"Bulletin boards across the globe are being crippled as previously vibrant threads with detailed images are disappearing.

"People who have used Photobucket for hosting these images successfully for over 10 years are finding that they will have to literally start again with what for some, amounts to a lifetime's work."

But one expert said the public needed to be aware of the risks of relying on any free image service.

"There's a lot of websites out there looking for advertising, and there's a finite amount of advertising spending to go round," said Nigel Atherton, editor of Amateur Photographer magazine.

"And any photo gallery and storage site like this that relies on ads to offer a free service can only continue to do so if they have enough money coming in.

"So, if you put all your photos into any site or app like this where it's not clear how they are going to continue financing their business, then it could come back and bite you at some point in the future."
If it has the one hundred million customers as claimed and only 10% of them cough up the desired $400 then they will still get a financial boost of $4 billion!

That's a lot of moolah to do a "U-Turn" on! :whistle:
I probably have an account from years ago when these free hosting sites were few and far between but they are now commonplace, people will be annoyed with the way they have been treat and will move elsewhere as is happening here, if the reason they are demanding money is as they claim because they are not getting advertisers this is only going to make matters worse for them and it serves them right.
Never ever store important stuff in one place then you can't be held to ransom(ware). The cloud is great until it goes down or your internet connection plays up.

I have copies stored offline. No all eggs in one basket philosophy keeps your stuff safe.
I hate photo bucket. I've been using it for years for all my image hosting for my motorbike website (bandwidth and space was too limited to host photos too). At one point photobucket reduced their unlimited storage to just 500mb unless you paid them so this is not their first blackmail attempt. I didn't cave and just made two more accounts. This is not something you can get around though so it looks like another host is needed.

Warning for those planning on using Dropbox/onedrive etc: If you have too many people viewing/downloading the file(s) per month they can stop the hosting. I've seen it happen before.

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I know this doesn't answer the problem of hosting many pictures but if you want to post pictures here and do not want to register this is a great site (i use for all the pictures i post here) -

Why is it a lot of people's pictures posted on here have disappeared? Instead of pictures there is something advertising tapatalk. Do you have to join this in order to see the pictures now?
@SANGER_A2 - I moved his posts here from another forum to save having the discussion start again.

Quick question for anyone using a host site.
Does anybody using WiFi have a hub with a usb port?
If you have why not connect a flash drive/hard drive and put it on your home network giving you storage on the home network and the ability to retrieve and upload in seconds.
I take my photos on my phone and usually upload from there but back up to the drive and if I need to upload from the laptop/pc just access the drive and upload from there.
Failing that just have an external drive on your pc for back up.

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