Reusing cider yeast

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Margate, Kent
Helped out with some apple picking at local orchard today and came away with 2 boxes of apples. Don't have any dried yeast left at moment, but have 2 demijohns full of cider which have finished fermenting. If I syphon off the cider, will the trub left in the bottom of the demijohn work, or do I hang on a couple of days until I can get hold of some more yeast. Apples are half Cox, and half Bramleys - from fully organic orchard.
I'd thought about doing this too. I would give it a go. Make a starter with a small amount of the trub from the last batch and see if it seems to be fermenting before adding to your new juice.

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