Should i bottle?

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Active Member
Jan 30, 2011
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My 1st Geordie lager kit looks like it has finished fermenting but i threw away the instructions lol
I started to bottle but it is very cloudy. :?
Should i wait until it clears or bottle and let it clear in the bottles?
I usually let it clean in the bottles/keg or in the secondary. Doesn't hurt to leave it in the primary longer unless you need it for another beer and only have one!
No I only have the one but nothing ready to brew -
have a couple of wow's on the go in my dj's
I panicked with my stout 2 weeks ago, i thought it was infected so i bottled it straight away at 1.010.
The stout tastes very good, and i found out it wasn't infected it was just spray malt that hadn't dissolved properly :lol:
well i did sample a little :oops: and it tasted ok
just looks like a water sample at the moment lol
Seven days seems a little fast for a lager. Did you ferment it warmer than lager temps? If it's ready, then go for it.
well theres nothing happening - it looks finished
and the sg is around 1010 - might leave a few more days and throw some finnings in
1.010 says it has probably finished, certainly if that reading hasn't changed for a couple of days.

Finings are an option, but a week in the warm after bottling and then a couple of weeks in a cool place and your beer should clear without them.

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